Headaches ?

Hello all ermm just a breakneck question, Everytime i run into a classroom there other really warm anyways but i start to grain dizzy and really tired i always ask if i can procure a drink of water but as usual the teacher say no is near anyway to prevent gettin this feeling,No funny answers plz thnx every1

I'm alarmed that?

Yeah take a bottle of marine to class with you so the professor won't think you're merely asking for a drink to miss some of the class! Do your friends have equal probs? If so maybe the don could open the window or something like that to cool the room down a bit? Otherwise speak to your parents or your academy nurse - I'm sure it's just hot but might be worth getting a check up anyway a short time ago incase. Hope that helps xx

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talk to your parents.

this happen to my son at daycare it was too hot contained by there for him and it made him consistency bad. your parents can address to the teacher for you, if you can't do it yourself.

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dear it's not silly ask good quiz, better way is to bring a bottle of river with u, and narrate the teacher past the class that u need to drink sea, so he will allow u.. i wish my tip comfort u

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Take a bottle of hose with you (you don't necessitate to buy it- just swarm a plastic drink container, from the tap. Ask the instructor to open the windowpane, and tell the institution nurse.

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Oh you poor thing, your teacher sound amazingly unsympathetic, are you worried about something or are you rather claustrophobic, I think I would have a chat to your mom and maybe grasp her to make you an appointment at the doctors so you can put your mind at rest and in the intervening time have your mom phone the university so you can be allowed water contained by class or carry a bottle beside you, good luck and hope your fancy much better soon.

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Drink in between module, have plenty to munch through during the day...and if you requirement to...get a information from your parent, telling your guru about your headache - and the need for hose in the classroom!

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Headaches can be cause by minor problems
like eyestrain, deficit of coffee or more serious reasons
similar to head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
hold harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

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As everyone has said to bring river into the classroom with you, if your professor is an ogre next you may have to be in motion to doctors for a sick note truism you have to be capable of have the hose in class near you, so the teacher cant voice no, if she/he say you still cant do this you can report them as they will be going against medical treatment, certainly it wont do any harm going to docs for checkup anyway.

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