My girlfriend gets pains in the moved out side of her midrift occasionally but wont go to a doc for warning?

It varies when it is sore but can b mayb up to twice a week. The pain is constant but the level of pain can fluctuate, its never be a stabbing pain. She wont stir to the doctor as she is very stubborn even though i try to buoy her, she jus takes some paracetomol an go back to bed. I'm not hugely well-versed of the female anatomy but no these pains are nought to do with "the time of the month" as it does not business if she is on her period or not. I'm writing in as i would close to to get answers as to whether i necessitate to seriously force her to go see her g.p or not. simply serious replies please. Thanks.

Egg Donation?

Sorry - can't give you an explanation as to what her torment is - have you tried calling NHS Direct? tel no 0845 46 47 they will know how to give you more assistance so that you can any be reassured or own the knowledge beside which to try and encourage your girlfriend to see a doctor.

I own endometriosis and I need some question answered?

Without knowing more about the exact location of the anguish, or what the pain is resembling, it is difficult to say what it could be.

Common cause of left abdominal niggle include:

- Kidney stones
- Diverticulosis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Ovarian Cysts
- Pelvic Infammatory Disease

These are just the adjectives causes, it could be anything. If the affliction can be managed by Paracetamol I wouldn't verbs too much. Although, I would recommend making a non-urgent appointment with her GP, of late to be on the safe side.

Best of luck, Mel

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