Birth Control and symptoms during your time?

When I started taking my BC pills, I got this burning sensation in my stomach that hurt really doomed to failure, I thought I had an carbuncle it hurt so much, during the second round of pills the same point happened, seem like it happen when I take the "sugar" pills at the finishing of the pack, during my period. Does anyone else win these types of symptoms on the pill? Thanks!

What is wrong with me?

You dont obligation them, but they are a reminder pill so that you dont forget or get used to not taking them during the week. I would consult to your doctor, See why they would be bothering you and maybe you can switch. There are so frequent options from the ring to the patch or the depo shot.

Help me!!!?

i did for a while, instead of taking them, i of late took a pill out a day and put them surrounded by the trash, you won't need those. nearby are no hormones in them

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