Vagina Throbbing and Pain?

today have be experience throbbing and pain. 2 days to spell. No chance of one pregnant as havent had intercourse next to hubby (who has a low count) for 6 weeks. Back hurt for a week or so, high temp and headache

Pain comes and go every 20 seconds. Can be reasonably a shocking pain (not too doomed to failure though) Just quite irregular and not pleasant!.

Any suggestions?

What could be the problem.?

Prolapse? Kidney infection? A visit to the doctor is the best pick to find out. Or call NHS Direct if you're surrounded by the UK, you're just the loving of person they be created for!

Nuva-ring users?

Only a doctor can help

What age is it ok for teens to start weightiness lifting?

try going and see a doctor.

What is it really like to own a gastric bypass?

Could be an infection of some kind. It could also be a prolapsed vaginal wall. See a doctor soon it could be plentifully of things, this is not normal and it could be more than one point together.

Help with finding the right birth control pill?


Help! ladies individual!!?

Yes, Ma'am. I think that you stipulation to see your doctor right NOW! It sounds like you own an infection.

Is it true that men can give girls/women vitamin k?

tss sounds close to it i hve no clue sry hunh

Burning Calories?

Could be muscle cramps or infection go find checked out by a medical practise call your GP and you will be put through to the out of hours service

HRT, pros and cons?

I can press it for you maybe that will oblige.

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