Is it ok to smoke while your taking the contracceptive pills...?


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if you are on he combined pill you can smoke, but nearby is a risk if you are over 35.

read a bit more about the contraceptive pills

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I'm sure that depending on what type of pill it is, smoking can fall it's effectiveness. I would definately check it next to the Dr immediately.

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its your choice but apparently you are at greater risk of blood clots!

I guess i'll get my time of year on vacation, HELP!?

Individually both these things can wreak blood clots. Blood clots can be deadly and can be anywhere within your body. They can paralyze you too. Doing both at the same time solitary increases your chances


It's never ok to smoke. it'll kill you eventually.

I am 18 years behind the times and I have a problem?

My college nurse told me about this when I be in dignified school and I read it contained by the panflet of my birth control pills. Smoking increases the chances of getting blood clots while using the birth control pill but this is to women 35 years and elder... Younger than that, means smaller quantity risk. The pill thickens your blood and so does cigarettes.

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Smoking increases everyones risk of blood clots not lately in those over 35 y/old!

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you are deem to be at far greater risk of blood clots

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im sure ur contraceptive pill comes near with a serious newspaper that lists adjectives the risks etc.. read it and u will see.
it would probably tell u that taking the pill as a smoker have some additional risk attached to it related to some of the side effects of the pill...

Anxiety or something more?

Smoking while taking the pill increases your risk of strokes and blood clots.

Smoking also visibly increases risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and other pulmonary diseases as well.

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No, it is never OK for anyone to smoke. There are already massive risks you purloin chronically by smoking, remembering it is the second commonest cause of loss worldwide and 50% of smokers will die of smoking related disease.

Acutely taking the pill and smoking, you increase the clot risk, this will increase your risk of sudden death.

Major Help!!?

It's best not to. The dr should purloin this into account when prescribing you near a pill. The reason person is that both smoking and certain pills can raison d`??tre deep capillary thrombosis.

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many people do it including me but it does say-so on the leaflets that smoking does make the pill smaller number effective.

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