I had my periiod for 3months straight ,for 5months immediately i have no length, y?

I had for 3months straight i have period. end period have very unusual membrane and things involved. I had awful aching and bleeding that lasted 2 days. I also have a flu with disorientation. now i haven't have period for 5months immediately. no pain no mood swings nil. what's wrong with me? i enjoy no money for doctor visit. should i progress to hospital?

Why do I always surface like I own to go the bathroom (urinate) even when I don't?

you may be stressed or if you excercise alot that might be stopping your cycle ...close to alot of athletes dont have their period orrrrrr..you just might be pregnant

What is undamaging sex considered as?

mhm is this your first tie? cus that happened to my mom. she have hers for 4 mothes str8! i know weird. but its merely irregular.

Were can i find the best dildos?and viboraters?

Do a preg. test. And see if youre insureance agecy can cover the doctor trip. Or you can hold youre mom do it. And apply for a job while youre on a roll.

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