Am i going through menapause?

i am 30 just turned in january and my final period was within january 1st i keep getting hot flushes. I see a specialist at the hospital as i would love a baby and he have give me hormone tablets to have a interval but the period still hasnt come and i am stuck as to what to do i think i could be going through menapause but the dr said to stop individual silly as i am still young can anyone help.

Hey I want my time?

It may be something else ... please, attain rid of your doctor, FAST!! He sounds like a quack, how dare he make a statement resembling that, "YOU ARE BEING SILLY b/c YOU ARE YOUNG!" Please tell him that women as young as 25 enjoy gone through menapause . Seriously, you need a qualified and competant doctor . I was told at 21 years dated that the LUMP in my breast could not be cancer b/c I was YOUNG... I own had 3 surgeries and feel LUCKY to be alive ... desperate advice can equal death, plain and simple

Girls individual!!?

you are incredibly young to be going through the menopause,but i certainly wouldn't rule it out as i know someone who have gone through it at the age of 28,luckily she has two children,but this still devastated her as she had basically been married for the second time and they wanted a kith and kin of there own,
if your still concerned get a second feelings you are within your rights,but before you do that agree to the tablets work and do the job they are meant to do furnish them time to work,i hope its just something miner,and you get through this,stop worrying and pass nature a chance x

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It is unlikely that your going through menopause. As the entity above said you could be under alot of stress, or if your very athletic that can slow or stop your period.

Have you recently started or stopped a birth control like the IUD or Norplant? These can shift things in dramatic ways.

Soy products have a raw estrogen in them, and often a adaptation in diet (going vegan, or extreme dieting similar to anorexia or bulimia) can have an effect on your cycle.
So can drugs that speed up your body, they can ruin your baby making parts, as very well as your heart and other major organs.
You did not mention if you have taken a pregnancy try-out. Think about it! Best wishes.

What should I do?

It is possible that you could be going through the menopause, especially if there is a loved ones history.

I'm presuming that if you have been to see a specialist, you would of have a blood test to confirm whether you are in the hasty stages of the menopause(?) If you haven't, make an appointment with your practise nurse to hold one done.

Period lunacy?

This is something everyone should sign up for kinda like a news reminder but important. It's for men , women, children,babies, pregnancies. every thing you obligation to know, from symptoms, treatments, anything medical, nutritional,they have a male amount you point to the area that hurts neck, posterior ,etc... same for lady's w/ female figure. You autograph all your symptoms and it will catigorize it down to what it is or a few things it could be, you click on the symptom it explains and if theirs a treatment whether you need antibiotics, home remedy, see a doctor right away if it's seriuos etc... It's the best site.. Check it out, you can look up diets. anything medical, diseases, feminine problems , masculine problems, all kinds of stuff for pregnancies etc... I could stir on & on...but it'll be alot easier to check it out. Everything from A-Z... here is the e-mail down below. ( recommend to all members-it's a lifesaver) You can type your own symptoms, I did this one for you since it's your question. There's another site I forgot the moniker but I do get news post ,pretty much the same but this ones the BEST! :0)

I individual have my extent for three days this never happen previously?

you cant go through menopause at 30, its impossible, its clearly something else, see a doctor

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I have a friend whose mother went through menopause at age 29. So, you are not too childish for menopause.

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