Donating eggs?

i've been looking into donating eggs for extra change. ost places are looking for 21+ does anyone know of a clinic that allows 18+? if you can give me a cooperation i'll give you 10 points.

I be recently put on Prozac. I constantly get the impression sick at my stomach. Will this stop as the weeks go by?


I've donated up to that time, and I did not find the clinic I used doing an internet search. I told my OB/GYN I be interested, and she gave me the card of a local fertility clinic.

There are MANY other restrictions BESIDES your age. You can't smoke, drink much, can't be involved near drugs. Your weight must be in a certain collection, you MUST have regular period and a good, on top form egg supply. I went through months and months of carrying out tests (even an IQ test) and waiting.

Is masturbating harmful?

I don't know of any that will do it lower than the age of 21. I would assume this is because of the risks invovled.

GymCLass differences?

donating eggs is not a benign will have to shift thru screening tests and pocket hormones before they can extract eggs. It is NOT a great path to make attendance can be complications etc!

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