How do you avoid making a mess near your spell?

KInda a weird interrogate i know, but ive never heard anyone complain roughly speaking the potential mess that can take place overnight next to someones period; unless im the one and only one.
like i turn to bed, and put one of the plus size extra long pads on (im immensely petite lol) but i still get it on my undies and pajamas sometimes. besides wearing a tampon, how do i avoid this problem?

Answers:    Well, I can't believe I'm answering this, but I usually seize leaks within the back of my underwear. So I fold some toilet treatise and put it between my cheeks so when I lie down the blood won't filter through nearby. lol is this what you meant?
You have need of to see your Gynecologist. I had this same piece occur for years and thought it be normal. Well, it is not... I have some medical issues arise out of it. Please go see your Gynecologist I don't see how have a heavy flow is necessarily a medical problem. Are you on birth control? Birth control pills made my interval lighter, and I had smaller number cramps too!

Maybe try wearing a tampon and a pad underneath. Or, my cousin have really heavy period. She would just buy those disposable underpants that elderly culture wear (I know it sounds funny) but it seriously worked. Her boyfriend used to laugh, but it's better than bleeding on the bed sheets every hours of darkness, and ruining your good panties!

Hope it works out for you, I used to hold a heavy flow so I know what you're going through :)
most woman suffer near this , well most woman i know , the pad dont soak up everything , change them regulary and when you walk to bed wwhere two I'm embarrassed to grant this, but when mine was unwieldy like that (not as unpromising anymore), I used to take one of my kids diapers and put it within my underwear LOL

But, seriously, you should talk to your GYN give or take a few this, sometimes heavy (and if it's going through your undies and pajamas, it's heavy) bleeding can be a sign of something else. Or, ill-fatedly, it could just be the track you are.

I actually similar to the adult diaper thought that the other poster mentioned. It would work. But, on heavy night, I used to wear a tampon and a super-duper overnight pad.

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