What is the appropriate age to.?

Where tampons? I am 11 and what to tell my mom that I want them but i can't becuase I am afraid she will vote no. So what's the age I should be wareing them? I am tried of seeing blood stains on my underware and thinking I am having my time when I am not.

31 weeks pregnant & suffering with severe discomfort?

11 sounds like a angelic age to me but I am not your mom so you really need to speak near her about this issue. Wearing tampons is something that really requirements to be discussed because there are things you obligation to know about them (like toxic shock syndrome) If you are have a problem with stains, wear black underwear, I other wear black around my cycle.

Is somthing wrong with me?

You can one and only wear tampons if you are 100% sure you are having your time of year. If you are sure you are having your time you can go ahead and wear them at any age. At first though for some young at heart girls they can be painful, so craft sure you get the ones designed for teens, and then you should be fine.

Cellulite what?!?

this is a discussion to enjoy with your mom. She can best lend a hand you decide. Every womanly is different. I personally don't supervision much for them and can only use them on a couple of days of my cycle so I don't bother. But my sister then again has used them since the inauguration, (about 12 or 13). It really depends on the girl. Speak to mom you may be surprised. I don't think she will procure mad. The worst that she will do is articulate she feels you are too infantile.

Last resort emberressing question for females please.?

Let's achieve one thing straight here. If you're seeing blood stains on your underwear and you're NOT in he middle of your length, you need to see a doctor, rapidly.

But just as vital is that you and your mother need to sit down and enjoy a long, long talk something like everything to do with menstruation, including the use of tampons. However, I strongly suspect that you don't really take what menstruation is. or why it happens.

Here are some facts more or less menstruation, as you obviously hold been going to institution in a district surrounded by which a few idiots have insisted that not a soul needs sex ed of any type. (That's not your error, but as an adult, you'll know how to do something about it.)

Almost as soon as you complete one perod, your body starts growing another shroud of endometrial lining That's because this is the food source for a fertilized egg, that that embryo will live stale of until it has grown ample of a placenta that you can nourish it.

Your body continues to lay down that bin liner until an unfertilized egg has passed through you and out of you. If a fertilzed egg implant in that facing, it sends hormonal signals that prevent the lining from anyone shed. If there is no fertilized egg, or if within is one but it doesn't implant, in attendance are no such biochemical signals to be sent, and the lining is shed. BTW, the implantation if a fertilized egg is the launch of a pregnancy.

The shedding of that lining is your menstrual time. Your flow will vary from hour to hour in your period. There may even be times in your period that you simply don't hold a flow for a bit, including any time that you're in the bath, shower or other body of marine. It returns, though, as soon as you're no longer immersed in the sea. Most women's period are from 3 - 7 days long, and the most adjectives length of a women's menstrual cycle is about 28 days long. That's most adjectives. The only cycle that's not commonplace is the one that never happens.

Once you realize menarche (your frst period, it take your body a few years to get used to it's alien role. Until that happens, your cycle will probably not be regular. Don't sweat it, but other be prepared for it. And keep track of you cycle on any calendar.

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