If my nipples are pinkish red what does this be set to?
That your typical
isn't that the color of nipples. and why did u ask ur question as ur detail too?
stop have people suck on them
Nothing every woman is different.
Whats so great around the Mirena IUD?
they r being touched to much ot your bra or shirt is rubbing them and getting irritated and stop reposting it's annoying..they're not brown
Im due to hold my contraceptive implant changed,what is it close to,does it scar bleak?
are they raw, are you nursing?Can you win breast cancer from sleeping with a bra or a shirt that have straps on it?
u r a freak!If you have the Mirena IUD (and especially if you're over 35), what do you muse of it?
its normal...may be the bra or ur cloths r irritating the nipples n the nouns around it...dont worry abt it.
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