Menstrual problems please give a hand me?

well i have this unexpected pain be i usually get cramps i didnt procure my period this month im young-looking i know im not pregnant but usually when i use the restroom it hurts or sometimes it just hurts . it doesnt surface like cramps i merely get it where on earth cramps are . do you know what this is?

Err i'm confused how do women get pregnant when they are not married ?

Yes I go to the doctor for that and I was feeling guilty when they said I was constipated. I be going to the bathroom but I guess it wasn't enough. Try a stool softener.

Looking forbuttenlargement steroid or pill?

omg youre definately pregnant!
stir to planned parent hood and get it sucked out!

I shave my legs everyother time and my legs still look like they look approaching I have not shaved. Any suggestions?

go to the doctor!

How do I know if I am have a miscarriage?

maybe it's gas. are u on the pill?

Vaginal question?

I deem you have UTI. consult near your physician. Chronic UTI can lead to renal breakdown. Be aware.

Can your insides change for no cause?

Go to the doctor immediately as you may enjoy a cyst or cancer. If you don't have insurance or much money you can search out for a clinic that offers low prices to uninsured customers.

Can milk flow from breast a moment ago after menstruation?

maybe its your appendix or you could have crohns disease... lots of things could be responsible for your stomach-ache and you need to see a doctor honey

Where's My Period?

sounds approaching u shd get a check beside a doc... might be problem with your uterus. Better embezzle precaution since u are young.

I'm pregnant, and am worried almost stretch marks?

it is average for teens to skip a period. if the stomach-ache keeps up u entail to see a dr.

What is a natural cure for low labido surrounded by women?

Possibly a UTI? Try and look for your symptoms.

Good luck, hope you feel better.

Also, if you hold any more worries after looking there, I would plainly suggest calling your doctor and if she's really worried, she'll probably have you come surrounded by for tests.

Can you lug after your cousin with breast size?

i would miss period and have backache and after 13 years of no one beenig competent to find the problem the found endometreosis. it was so discouraging at that point it was everywhere and in a minute i cant have kids. so achieve checked, demand too

Breast unthinking for 3months now and no im not unfolding my mother?just for ladies to answer?

I would progress see your obgyn. He/She would be the right person to ask. And I am not motto this to scare you, but missing a time of year and knowing you are not pregnant is not normal.

I have a hysterectomy 5 years ago but they left the moved out ovarywhy am I still having lots of headache?

go to a women's health center and ask to hold a Rapid Plasma Reagin Test.

Sounds like to me that you'll want to ask your doctor about a blood oral exam and blood sugar fast. Feminine problems usually begin because of lack of ease of our bodies.

How to lose 10 pounds in a month and a partially?

it may be a UTI urinary tract infection. Look up the symptoms online.

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