Can milk flow from breast newly after menstruation?

My wife had delayed menstruation but consequently at last she have it but lasted for freshly 2 days instead of the usual 4 to 6 days. on the 5th day, that is 3 days after the menses stopped she pressed her breast and little milk flowed out. What must hold happened? Is it possible to own milk when there is no pregnancy and birth? Can fondling too strong with breast or sucking too concrete at them stimulate milk-flow? We are confused.


A womans breasts should only produce milk when her body releases a hard to please hormone towards the end of pregnancy. Get your wife to pilfer a pregnancy test and later go see a doctor. It could be that her body is releasing that hormone short her being pregnant but I'm not a doctor so I could be wrong! x

Weird cramping and have to pee alot?

Go see your doctor. She could be pregnant even though she has menstruated. Get a pregnancy theory test and a check for other possibilities.
There could be many reason why.
As an aside, remember that sometimes a woman's breast milk can flow by being around a newborn, even if she hasn't given birth to the baby.
I'm not adage your wife has be around a baby, simply simply indicating that there are different reason why, even if a woman isn't pregnant for breast milk to flow.

Im taking tamoxifen and im struggling to lose weight even though i jump to gym regularly and eat wellhelp?

milk...or lactal fluid? (which can look almost approaching oil) Human expressed milk looks like heavily watered down milk. Has your wife given birth earlier? If so, she may still have lactal buildup, etc.

only my .02 cents.

Is it okay to masturbate on a regular basis?

<<Yes fondling can back milk flow see your doctorto be on the safe side>>

Missed pills, rash period, will another one come during placebo week? Will I be subsidise to normal subsequent month?

Yes. It happens to me.

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