When is a stinging period considered terrifying?

I'm 18, and for the last 3 years or so, my time cramps are just horrible. I know most women say aloud that to help cramps, move around and that. But that REALLY dosn't oblige at all. I know I should budge to a doctor, but we just hold on to on putting it off beause of money. But when I carry my period, it take usually 15 mins after it starts untill the pain litterly get so bad that I involve to somehow knock myself out in bed for a partially a day so I can basically get through it. The 2nd daytime and so on are perfect fine, and insubstantial cramps that I can usually jsut take a cramp pill and go on my afternoon. But this just seem wrongthat I'm bed bound and sick for the first day. Is this ordinary? Should I worry and receive this checked out? Is this how I'm going to feel untill I menopause?

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You need to acquire this checked out. Also since you are now 18 it is time to start your annual pap smear and pelvice exams so telephone call Monday AM and get these planned. The pain you are describing is not typical and could be a sign of endometriosis or just really unpromising cramps but either road it needs to be checked out since you didn't enjoy it when you first got your interval from the sound of your post. Be sure your doc checks for endo and PCOS etc.

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Oh hun I decision I could tell you near was something you could do save for take painkillers and use warmness against your stomach.

For 10 years I've dealt near debilitating cramps the first daytime of my period, and my mom say when she was younger her cramps be awful too. Maybe it will get better when you catch older, it to be sure did for my mom, though I haven't experienced any relief even so.

I did find that when I was taking Yaz it be better, less cramps, smaller quantity PMS. Maybe you could talk to your doctor (when you go) almost getting on birth control to regulate your symptoms.

Edit: I talked to my doctor something like my cramps, and I was given Motrin 800 to hold when I'm going through that first day. Are here any free clinics in your area? I know it can be not easy to get the money to shift to the doctor, especially if you don't have profusely on hand, but free clinics will cart you, and you can get a prescription.

I necessitate some advice please?

I used to quality this way the first light of day of my period. I also get to the point where I be so nauseous I would throw up as very well. Advil seems to work a touch bit, but not for that long. I found that heat and bed rest usually help a little bit. I be recently put on birth control two months ago. And my period after started birth control was pleasurable. I did not cramp as bad as I used to. It be just a minor bane of your existence that went away expeditious. And I no longer felt so sick to my stomach that I threw up. Best point for you would be to talk to your doctor. Explain you symptoms. That means of access you can find out what is going on and what can be done to help it.

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