Big blood clot!?

Is it normal to own a big blood clot during your period? the first time it started normal, the sencond light of day was also average and then i saw this big blood cloth coming out! i be on my period. Is it middle-of-the-road to have a big blood cloth for an 18 year old-fashioned teen?

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Anything larger than the size of a looney (I'm Canadian) should be talked roughly speaking with a physician. By looney I be determined about I don`t know more than an inch in diameter.

Abdominal pains?

Yes it actually is. even though it may not hold happened since its normal

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It happens to me sometimes and I own never had any side effects, but if you are concerned see your doctor.

Women problems!!minister to?

Those big pieces of blood are just a sign of antediluvian blood leaving your body. I do believe it's nil to be afraid of.

Height Question Anyone?

You may want to tell your mom and enjoy her take you to household doctor and discuss this situation. Could be nothing.

Ladies, I inevitability your help if you own taken any birthcontrol pills.?

It is not only majority but healthy but if you are really concerned agree it over with your doctor.

What could effect an enlarged uterus?

It can happen and not be anything to travel to an ER about but you should inform your doctor in the event that you experience any other symptoms so that your provider can put the pieces together for your vigour's sake.

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Blood is pushed out of your uterus when the uterus contracts (you don't necessarily consistency these contractions, but when they are strong, you feel them as cramps). The uterus releases "anti-coagulants" during menstruation. These are supposed to maintain the blood from clotting up as it passes from the uterus to the vagina, thus making the in one piece bleeding process easier.

But if you have days of beefy cramps and heavy bleeding, you may go past dark, chunky clots of blood. On such days your contractions are so hastily and so strong that the blood gets forced out until that time the anti-coagulants have time to bring effect. So the blood clots. And you pass big chunky gob of stuff.

If the clots you are passing are larger than, right to be heard, a quarter, you might want to ask your doctor about it, because that indicates that your period are quite bulky, and they might want to check for fibroids

Girls. menstrual question. I inevitability HELP!?

Clots are normal - the inside layer of your uterus is tissue filled near blood, and sometimes that tissue stays together a bit more, so you get a clot.

Girl problem only girls please?

Check near your gynecologist for fibroids, polyps, tumors, or any other growth. That is your best bet and be honest with your history.

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