Bleeding sunshine after sex

well first of all im on birth control, me and my boyfriend enjoy unprotected sex all the time. my period's not expected for about 13 days..i have unprotected sex yesterday and started bleeding today?..any answers? and by the way i sometimes forget to take my birth control on the dot, not sure if this has anything to do with it?

Answers:    Do draw from this checked out, as bleeding after sex can be due to a number of different problems.

A possible cause of bleeding between period and after sex could be from a hormone imbalance. Since you use birth control pills, you could be experiencing breakthrough bleeding. If so, you will usually be advised to use an secondary method of contraception and if it continues for more than two or three cycles, you may be given a higher dose of the pill.

A cervical erosion (more properly known as an ectropion) can basis bleeding between periods or after sex and occurs when the petite cells lining the cervical conduit also cover an area on the outer cervix. This forms a red, velvety area that bleeds smoothly when touched. This is a normal result of oestrogen stimulation and is common contained by women on the pill and during pregnancy.

However, in some cases, vaginal bleeding after sex can be a sign of a serious underlying problem, including:

* Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).
* Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
* Cervical polyps.
* Cervical ectropion, a condition in which the cervical tissue is more susceptible to abrasion.
* Pelvic inflammatory disease.
* Uterine fibroids.
* Cancer of the cervix, uterus or vagina.

I would recommend that you consult next to your doctor or gynaecologist to see what they think could be causing this.

Good luck :).
oh yeah...not taking your pills or anything on time can definately be the to dr going on for timing of takign pills...
uh...its pretty common.cuz maybe my guess is you must be relatively young..and it just happen... but arent you glad more that you are bleeding that if you didnt bleed for 9 months... :| doh If you are young, or it was rough sex it could enjoy made you bleed.

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