I heard from a friend that drinking milk in actual fact increases your risk of osteoperosis, is this true?


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Not true at adjectives.

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No. I am 52 and have gone through the move. Dr's. like to try-out you once you have because you are at a greater risk for osteoporosis. I be tested and told that I had right bones and that was because I hold drank milk all my vivacity. I love it.


No absolutely not!
Osteoporosis is cause by weakening of the bones due to a long residence lack of calcium, so I can't see how drinking milk would increase the risk.
Perhaps you/she misunderstood what they be trying to say?

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Either they are in the dark or they were messing next to you. Osteoperosis is cause by genetics(being of the white see or asian race) and also from lack of Calcium contained by your diet and milk has calcium so it truly helps.

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No, because milk have calcium which prevents Osteoporosis.

(embarrassing question)?

y a u r listen right but milk is ur helth so strong. if u find a strong milk then invite me too b/coz i inevitability a milk too

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Adding on to my other ?

Actually it is true. Americans consume the highest amount of dairy products within the world and we have the greatest cases of Osteo but in Japan where on earth they consume almost no dairy they have the smallest amount of cases. There are many well-mannered websites as to why.

Here is am excerpt from one:


By Robert Cohen Executive Director


Important UPDATE 1/2001:

A study published in the January, 2001 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the diets of 1,035 women, specially focusing on the protein intake from animal and vegetable products. Deborah Sellmeyer, M.D., found:


In her study, women with a high-ranking animal-to-vegetable protein ratio experienced an increased rate of femoral neck bone loss. A lofty animal-to-vegetable protein ratio was also associated beside an increased risk of hip fracture.


I spoke with Dr. Sellmeyer, and here is her explaination:

"Sulphur-containing amino acids in protein-containing foods are metabolized to sulfuric acid. Animal foods provide predominantly acid precursors. Acidosis stimulates osteoclastic buzz and inhibits osteoblast activity."

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No, it is not true. Drinking milk is a way to go and get the calcium our bodies need to hold osteoporosis from becoming a problem. I know that I have read (and hear as well) that they are concerned about the reality that teens aren't drinking more milk to help their bones during that time of growing up.

I hold been drinking milk adjectives my life and when I have to get tested for my bones when I be going to start a medication again for one of my health problems my bones showed up as one in great form.

I would recommend checking with your dr as all right to see what they say.

Can too much Caffeine incentive breast tenderness?

not that I am aware of

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