Ladies, I stipulation your help if you hold taken any birthcontrol pills.?

Hi, I'm 24 and sexually active. I want to be put on some sort of oral birth-control, but I'm awkward because of its side effects.
If you have be on birth-control pills, can you tell me the side effects that YOU EXPERIENCED. Also, I'd resembling to know what brand or kind you be taking.
Thank you

I have masses questions something like tubal ligation and reversals is there anyone out nearby with first foot experience?

I have never have any side effects. I have be on the pill for 8 years now and haven't have any problems. I am on ortho-tri cyclen low. The low meaning low dose of estrogen. There are so lots different types of bc out there, I find the pill works best for me. Didn't want to own to deal beside a patch on my body that could fall past its sell-by date or anything like that. Try the different types out at hand and see which one would work for you the best! Hope I helped!

I took clomid 50mg on days 3 thru 7. today is day 14 and I have my sonogram and my doctor said my left ovary ha

i like yasmin, absolutely no side effects for me it also have something in it to help hose down retention..

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ovulen 21 be really horrible in 73 near mood swings
i took another supposedly weaker one in 89 and that agave me horrible migraines...nowadays they might not be so could try but they can also cause consignment gain.My daughter stopped taking them

Loose baby mass.?

Ortho tri-cyclin has be the best for me no side effects. Orto cyclin kinda hurt my sex drive, and I was also on seasonal which removed my sex drive almost completely and made me gain approaching 20 lbs. A friend of mine is on yasmin and she dosn't have any side effects next to that.

This is a question for girls lone, it's about my time?

I am 25 and I have be on Oral Birth Control since I was 16, I never experienced any side effects (not even solidity gain). I take Yasmin. I be taking another brand, but my Gyno advised me that every so normally it is good to switch brands. I can't remember what I be on before...Either instrument, It keeps my monthly cycle predicting and have been such a blessing :)

Answer please?

Yasmin works the best for me. I hold tried most BC and this one really helps preserve me comfortable and on track.

Will they go?

When I be on the oral b.c. pills, I had increased hunger strikes, but I didn't gain any freight since I ignored them. Also, I loved that it pretty much stopped any menstrual dull pain or mood swings that I experienced. Brand name, I come up with it might have be Ortha-something... not evra since that is the patch, but something along those lines.

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Hello, I be on birth control for about 6 months and stopped taking it. I took it because I am sexually stirring and I also had fruitless periods. It help ALOT, but after about 3 months My bf have noticed I be very irratable and have alot of mood swings. Also I went to the ob/gyn and my blood pressure be seriouslly very glorious, and I was getting dizzy alot. I am individual 19 at the time also, so no reason for that. The worst of it be I developed plurisy from it. They told me at the hopstial birth control pills lead to clots and plerisy which is a twinge in your lungs when you pilfer a deep breath, and thank get it wasn't a clot just something that could be fixed next to pills. I would talk beside your ob/gyn about the different kind and research it yourself, and just pocket the chance, because everybodys body is different and react differently to medication/pills. I just wasn't a lucky one. ALso alot of my friends own became pregant on birtch control, I never have sex without a condom even when i be on birth control. Also it sucks remembering to take it everyday at the exact same time because at first its cool but after something like 2-3 weeks you just forget. I be on Ortho-Tri-Cyclen

What do you think roughly speaking a girl that just turned 12 one 5'7"?

This month I started taking Birth Control for the first time ever, I'm 21. I'm on Loestrin 24. Let me tell you in the region of my symptoms...VERY emotional... I cried 10 times a light of day the first two weeks and I had a persisitant headache. Now- I've moved on. I've get a FULL fledged period two weeks impulsive. My gyn says although its bleeding similar to a regular period... its only "Breakthrough bleeding" and normal. Oh boy.. that manner I get my REAL interval in two weeks. I going broke from tampons! HA.

Other than that.. that have been my singular symptoms. I can deal near it all, but I'm tired of this bleeding!!

Personal Womens Health Problem?

i own had no side effects, use allesse

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EH, i took yasmin for a year, i got chronic pimples around my chin [hormonal pimples] , and a 5 to 10 pound counterweight gain. i stopped taking it and what do ya know... i lost a few pounds and the pimples disapeared... i kept blaming the acne and weight gain on other things, until i took a break from the BC pills, wow.

Penetration seem impossible.?

I've been taking equal birth control since i was 11 I'm in a minute 18 and the birth control like switch on me instead of me man on my period when i took the green pills I be on it when i took the white ones which there is three rows of them so i be on my period for a total month and i stop taking it now so I'm not on it anymore

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