
Member since: February 24, 2007
Total points: 111 (Level 1)
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S :S:S suppository!!?
i own just bought suppositories as prescribed by my doctor... i enjoy to take them 2 times a daytime :S:S... but the question is how to treaty with them ? do they hurt? what shall i do? pls answer
really i dont want to embezzle them. im so afraid ... i dont even know how to put them down there!

How long do i inevitability to wait past not using a backup?

You've asked this question five times, which is slightly annoying. In one other place you get an excellent and detailed answer from a nurse. In another place someone said "isn't that like a tampon or something". Since this time you asked in "womens health", one have to ask, rectal or vaginal suppository? if vaginal, have you ever used a tampon? you should be capable of figure this out. How ancient are you? maybe you should ask your mother for assist?
In any case, in that are made to fit wherever they are supposed to shift, if you can relax, they won't hurt.

2 days PMS,6 days of brown spotting, 5 days period, 3 days brown spotting.?

Suppositories are usually inserted rectally. Usually they are used as a laxative if you are constipated. A pessary is inserted vaginally.The doctor may be concerned that you are showing signs of impaction, which may be why you own to take them 2 times a light of day not once. If that is the bag a suppository is less daunting than the other remedy which is remove the faeces manually. If you need to budge to the toilet, do it before you insert the suppository. You might want to insert it in the bathroom so you can sit on the toilet after. You'll know when it's worked.

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