I fingered myself Sunday hours of darkness and my stomach havent stop hurting.(i'm a virgin to)?

I stuck my finger far in there and every since sunday hours of darkness my stomach been hurting since sunday dark and it is now wed hours of darkness. why do i hurt

Does anyone know a good excerise to loose shipment on your inner thighs?

I would say it's nerves and maybe a little anxiety. There is no physical motivation why your stomach should hurt. Perhaps are you feeling guilty roughly it or are worried in some path? There is nothing to be ashamed nearly, materbation is completely normal and it will not hurt you. There is nil wrong with getting to know your body and what you resembling. It can also make sex next to your partner more enjoyable because you can SHOW him what you close to. So take a vast breath and relax, your going to be just fine. I strongly recommend you look into the book The Art of Orgasm.

Perhaps you are restless about your nuptials? or your wedding darkness? or that your husband will know you fingered yourself? Don't worry more or less that dear I am sure he has masterbated plenty of times!

It could be you hold just a regular upset stomach due to bad health, like something you ate of the flu? It doesn't imply it's related. If it continues see your doctor, but you don't get stomach ache from masterbation so you can relax about that! Your stomach is no where on earth near your vagina!

Breast cancer? Women solely..?

That had to be reallllllly far to breed your stomach hurt.

I want to get a boob errand?

1st question why the hell are you fingering yourself!

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I requirement some... uh... more details please?

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guilt and anxiety..

Have you ever missed a period?

go see a doctor. My best guess is you enjoy long nails and you diluted something in there. So its probly not your stomach but something else.

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It might not even be connected...maybe you are merely having pre-menstrual pains.

I don't know, possibly you should go see a doctor, and are you not going because you hold to tell him/her that you fingered yourself.because to be precise a really stupid reason not to progress.

You have no time for modesty...turn get it checked out.

Help.what should i do?

i don`t regard they`re related to eachother

but i guess you can ask a doctor

Cramping after sex?

cuz you need a definite men, here i am. mmm sweet

Girls only please?

I don't know but you should see a doctor not womenanswers.org.

A woman 59 year-old woman have had hot flashes since 37. In the concluding 2 or 3 years they have gotten worse.?

Did you wash your hands formerly you did it? It could just be a pure coincidence you hold a tummy problem from something else (something you eat).

If it continue, see a doctor would be the best suggestion. Don't let one fruitless experience stop you from doing it because it is healthy to swot up your own body and know how to enjoy sex.

Good luck!

How does a hymen nouns?

I don't think your stomach and you fingering yourself is related ask a doctor. But if ronloveshermioneforever_7 is right dang, correct luck LMAO. But seriously the real examine is why the heck did you finger yourself in the first place?

Ruptured ovarian cyst Qs?

i think you should travel to your doctor/nurse,,,,,coz i dont think thats coz u use ur fingers ,,,,,,,,see the doctor,,,,,

Why are my nipples tough, swollen, and sore?

ok. everybody keeps asking y u fingered youself in the first place. its none of at hand business,and maybe you probably simply wanted to do it for the pleasure right? in good health anyways...maybe its adjectives in your mind. you probably grain wierd aobut doing it,so the pain might a moment ago be in your mind. but if it continues,you should bring it checked out.

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Uh, how lots finger are we talking going on for?

Menstrual cramps. CRIPPLING!?

I wouldn't worry around it. :) You may have gotten a stomach bug. There is zilch wrong with what you did.

VD and bladder discomfort?!?!?

it's not from your finger. that would not own any effect on the way your stomach feel.

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