Is it average for a girl's vagina to hurt?

I'm not a pervert or anything. My gf says she have some pain but she won't narrate me where because it's "girl stuff" which is fine next to me. I just protection about her robustness. So could you please tell me if its mundane for there to be niggle on her vagina or did she mean her breasts when she said "girl stuff?"
Oh yeah we are both 14 and we both hold never had sex if that help...

NuvaRing question?

Girl stuff could close-fisted alot of different things..girls have alot of stuff lol
Since she's 14 im thinking she basically is embarrassed to convey you she has cramps. When I be 14 I didnt want any boys to know that kind of stuff, presently its no big deal but I definatly remember trying to be thoroughly discrete about that stuff.
Maybe her boobs hurt too, a short time ago be careful when you supply her a hug dont squeeze to hard.nothings worse afterwards a guy giving you a big bear hug when your boobs hurt.
If your really worried though and infer it might be a serious issue then a moment ago talk to her give or take a few it, alone. Make sure she's not gunna get feeling shame because someone else is around. And be sympothetic, I hate it when I notify a guy I have cramps and they simply tell me to acquire over it or quit whinning. They hurt. So just be in attendance for her, make sure not to crow or anything either or she will never wanna gossip to you about private stuff again.
Good luck!

Period Question~~?

She is prolly have her period. Thats in the order of it. Girls say that moslty when its near period. Cramps

I obligation help! All warmth.?

sounds like she's have a period and it does hurt the vagina sometimes.

Hello, I'm have a problem with my time of year. Is it possible to bleed to much?

No kind of discomfort is 'normal' - it's a sign something isn't right.
Your gf should chitchat to her mum and go and seize checked out by her doctor.

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Hey!Well just to tolerate you know i dont think your a pervert and im 15. K capably maybe its her boobs because perchance they are growing and when they are growing and they get hit or anything its serious backache. If you think its her vagina she could be freshly on her period and it hurts a bit. You havnt mentioned if you have mastrubated her. Maybe if you did and it be her first time then she could hold a pain because of that. They are the with the sole purpose reasons why she could be surrounded by pain. Or I don`t know she is just on her time of year andb has cramps. If you dont discuss period maybe thats why she in recent times tells you that its 'girl stuff'. I suggest you should just say aloud to her 'Are u okay?Dont be embaressed about the stomach-ache I just want to know if your okay'!She might recount you and she might not. Whenever i have cramps i do detail my boyfriend. Maybe she is just shy or embaressed. If she have the pain for a few weeks afterwards she should go grasp it checked out by as doctor. Hope this advice help. Bubye!!

Okthis kinda personal.but my vagina hurts and one of the two flaps is red and swollen.Alot bigger then..

If you enjoy your period or right back your breasts can hurt. I am not sure why her vagina would hurt...That is very nice of you to exactness for her health. If she is worried perchance she should talk to her mom/aunt/sister or phone her doctor.

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