Ruptured ovarian cyst Qs?

I was only told on the phone that this had happen to me after they looked at my ultrasound. The nurse didnt seemed to hold much knowledge on the subject, she only just kept saying I dont know, whenever I have a question, afterwards she started looking through a dictionary to help me.

This moved out me feeling lost, shouldnt the doctor cart the time to call you spinal column if your worried?

And if it ruptured, why does it still feel close to a have that little bubble within my lower left belly area?

And second, since I got a regular ultrasound and not a internal one, do you dream up the results were accurate?

I will constraint to talk to the doc tomorrow, this examine is for those who might have be through this. I have be in really no torment,except down my left leg, I don`t know a very small tenderness at night, perchance I just enjoy a high throbbing tolerance? I just keep hold of thinking this maybe have something to do with the certainty that I have not be able to bring pregnant.


What does it mean when you a moment ago had your interval and white stuff still come out after it?

I would reccomend getting the internal ultrsound, it shows the extent of cycsts, it also shoes the depth & more accurate an standard ultrasound is not clear enough. i be told i had PCOS when i be 13. im not 24, through out the years when a cycst bursts it gets particularly very sensitive, but i never got the torment down my left leg. i would reccomend getting a second view from another doctor (and not one of those bodgee medical centres) There is a main artery within you leg that travels to you heart... but i really dont know why a cycst would have anything to do near pain surrounded by legs. Please go bring it checked

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