What age did u start shaving at?

what age did u start 2 shave at

EMT to Nurse or CNA to Nurse? I dont know!!?

when i was 11, but i wish i had wait longer, its hard to put in a new point to your routine

How do you.?

like 11ish

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About my body :D?

Pubic or Legs,armpits?

Legs 10
Pubic 11

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Does masturbatIng relieve stress?

around 11

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If It Goes In?

13 i grew a beard wooooo

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i be 17. how hairy are you? if your unkempt start immediately..

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At the age 10 because i beg my mom forever but at first i started with electrict!!!!!

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12 or 13

Could this be the menopause?

11 years prehistoric

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13 close to 14. i was never unshorn. but when ya start ya have to keep hold of doin it. it sucks :(

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About 10. For some bizarre explanation every hair on my body is blonde except my leg fleece. WTH?

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11... and I didn't know that I be suppose to use shaving cream... I wasn't going to tell my mom... but when I come down wearing shorts she immediately saw my blade burnt legs... OUCH!

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It adjectives depends on when u have to. When u hit puberty etc.. If u dont hold to, y bother..

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I be about 10, AND lol i accidently shave that subdivision above your heel.. OUCH... i walked out beside bandaids on them and thats how she found out! LOL

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I come on yesterday, but i got swimming, gym and date so i want to be off! if i pinch pill will it stop it?

Legs? I was 10

Help (ed only)?


Loosing virginity!?

i started at age 10ish i miserable if you dont have to approaching u dont see the hair consequently dont shave cuz once u start u cant stop :( it sux!

Answer if you are taking or have taken Yaz B.C. Pill?

okay i was 7 but i did not know better i get it from my mom well watching her anyway but my mom give me razors to shave at 10 WEll correct luck!~!~!~

Im not pregnant m i?

I was similar to 12
FYI if your about to start shaving, mind your Ps and Qs on your knee nouns. I have made heaps mistakes, and have the scar to prove it
also shave slow, if you shave fast next to a sharp razor you can close to lightly cut your skin, not satisfactory to bleed, but enough to annoy the hell out of you for similar to a few days

Ok well i be just wondering when do YOU surmise the best age is for sex? thankksss xxxx?

i started shaving when i was 11 but i never really enjoy had that glutinous of hair so if i dont shave you really cant describe that much.

I am 10, and I wear a size 13 in womens shoes, is that typical?

12- at church camp near a friend's razor freshly to see what it was resembling

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Gee, reading this make me feel unexpected. Y'all started so young-looking! I didnt start shaving my legs til I was 13, and pubic coat until like 16...

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