Can it be perilous?

Hi, ive been taking contraceptive pills for later 7 years. but now, im taking it of late cause of the sake of smaller amount painfull period,not because of protection,as i dont own a boyfriend. But somehow, i keep forgetting, and sometimes, i dont pilfer it for like two days. So what happen is, in finishing 2 months, i had already 4 period, like i carry my normal one, than because i forgot to thieve pills, so i had it again, later in another 10 days after finishing i have the normal one, and immediately i have it again,and in two weeks again. I wonder, if it can in actuality seriously harm my body, that i hang on to forgetting those pills. I never had problem beside taking them, but since i dont have to verbs to get pregnant,i basically dont remember. my mum had breast cancer at the age of 38, and i remember,that once she said she wondered if she couldnt acquire ill because she wasnt taking pills regularly, sometimes she forgot for few days too.


A Question For The Ladies..?

No, zilch dangerous roughly forgetting pills. It doesn't cause cancer.
Forgetting to steal them lowers the hormones in your body and cause breakthrough bleeding; not to mention screws your body's hormones up because they are not constant.

Either lug them regularly or stop taking them altogether to straighten yourself out.

Cramps on one side?

You've really got to give somebody a lift the pill each year at around the same time. When you forget to embezzle it for one or two days it's natural that you may start to spot somewhat or get your spell lightly because it confuses your hormones. I don't believe at hand are any health risks, but you should ask your doctor. You really inevitability to remember to take it, perchance try putting your pill packet next to your alarm clock so you remember to hold it first thing within the morning. Or put a reminder note on the fridge door so that when you capture something to eat or drink next you won't forget to take your pill. Hope that help :-)

My aunt is throwing up blood and it's frightening me what should i do and what does this mean?

WIth your ancestral history, you really should discuss all of this in detail beside your doctor. Don't settle for anything less, because anything smaller quantity won't allow you peace of mind.

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