Strange brown discharge?

so i had my period finishing week for only 3 days which is very unusual i usually jump about 6 or 7 days. and on the 7th day *the light of day i was supost to end* i got this sticky discharge. its a night brown discharge. i dont have any signs of preg. i do have little bit of cramps. but subtly. i dont know if it is an infection or if my bodys changeing since im turning 18 in 3 weeks. what is it? is it something to be worried about?

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It be a perfectly normal culmination to a period. It was depressing and gooey because it was very mature endometrial lining. As the endometrial lining ages, the blood cell begin to break down. The body reclaims the hemoglobin- the element that would ordinarily turn blood red in the air. It also reclaim some of the water inside the cells. What you are departed with is the goo that makes up the cell proper. It clumps together and does look to some extent livery and gelatinous. It's a bit harder to shed as well, and can cause cramping as the uterus contracts to shed it. You are adjectives normal, and have no have need of to worry. It happens.

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For me to be precise normal. Most of the time brown fluid is just blood that have been oxidized. If it REALLY worries you, or you have symptoms of an infection, see your doc. Otherwise, I meditate you're just fine. :)

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It's normal! Brown discharge is really adjectives after periods. Don't worry!

I am 12 and a partially and i started my extent?

I would not verbs about... i have have it before and my doctor said that it is just residue from my length...


It's normal! dont worry ^^ I have it too! and it gave me quite a upset but its called "old blood"

Had one pos. preg. experiment, and after a neg. blood tryout. Just stoped taking BC and cramped/bled today whats wrong?

I used to have that and doctor in cuba say that is to say normal... maybe you hold to check up

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