I have a lump...down in that....?

have a lump, about four-five centermetres inside my vagina. it doesnt hold feeling, or any throbbing. its in the shape of a sausage, or something similar. i dont reason my family have any history of things like cancer or such, but i dont own the guts to get it checked. i know i should, but i suffer from depression and nouns attacks/anxiety, so its not that easy for me to over-come my obsession of getting it checked out. it doesnt really hurt at anytime, although occasionally during sex or inserting a tampon, it feels approaching it gets stuck, or go the other side of the lump. (the lump protrudes at an agle of the side of my vaginal wall). i can feel it near my finger and trace around the top or it (thats how i know the shape) any one had a similar article?

i know that i need to hold it checked, so please dont submit answers stating that!

Milky Discharge?

I have madness attacks every so often and suffer from slight depression, it took me a year in the past I went to the doctor, I choice I would've gone sooner. Since I'm sexually active, they diagnosed me next to the new HPVirus. It took alot of guts to sympathetic my legs, but it is well worth it to arrest it early on for treatment. Take my word and run see a doctor, just don't dally as long as I have if you are live. Hope nothing of it for you...honest luck

What's wrong with me?

I am anyone honest....and giving you an answer you don't wanna hear: you need to turn to the doctor; right away! If something on your body is out of the norm, it may be dangerous. I know you own some fears, but it'll be much much worse if you don't go. For me, if anything strange occur, I high-tail it to the Doc. I don't want anything scary taking place to me, you know?

Is there an alternative for brazilian wax and paying $65 a pop?

I had a lump within too . It didn't hurt at first . I went to the doctor's because i didn't know what it be . She told me that i had a bartholin cyst . As it get bigger it started to hurt alot and i could stand , cross my legs or sit . I finealy went to the ER and i be given some antibiotics and told me to sit in heat water to minister to me with the bartholin cyct . That dark it busted . But you should go to your doctor to check yourself . It could be a bartholin cyst or some piece else. I hope you get over your fears . Good luck and God Bless

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