My body think I'm pregnant, but I'm not?

I really don't understand what is going on beside my body right now. Doctors describe me there is nought wrong and that I am not pregnant. But, how do you explain this?
Over the last 3 months, I've gain 20 pounds, but I don't show it anywhere except my tummy and breasts. I've also gained 5 bra sizes and my tummy looks pregnant. It protudes and is round and markedly firm. I've also been non stop bleeding (very lightly) for over a week when I'm not even suppoed to hold my period for another week. I'm other hot. I am peeing every 20 minutes. I am only 21, so I don't have a sneaking suspicion that it's menopause. I really think my body think I'm pregnant.
Can this happen? What else would it be? My doctors newly keep recitation me I'm fine, but I definitely don't look or grain fine.

Girls please help?

I hold heard of this occurring to women that really want a baby. They mull over they are and actually enjoy weight gain, breast growth, lactation, missed period, mood swings, cravings, the whole nine yard. Usually with these cases, the women really want to be pregnant and the symptoms manifest.

Have you have blood work done to see if there is ANYTHING extraordinary about your hormone level?

Birth control. is this bad?

doctors are dumb, cuz to me you nouns kinda pregnant

MorningAfterPill? Abortion? Please help me?

Go bring checked out by a different doctor - a second opinion never hurts!

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If you aren't' thrilled with what your doctor is relating you then receive a new doctor. It can't hurt to own a second opinion.

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if your body is recitation you something is wrong; it probably is. if that doctor doesn't agree with you; bring back a second opinion and a 3rd don't stop until you hold some answers :)

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that doesnt not sound rightif they are sure you not pregnant afterwards i would go to a different doctor something might really be wrong different doctors can provide different answers

When dealing next to a hormonal imbalance?

Check out this is possible that your body thinks you are pregnant when you are not.

What are symptoms associated near IBS, Irritable bowel syndrome?

You may be going through a sympathetic pregnancy brought on by more hormones than usual.

I suggest you visit your gynecologist for a detailed exam.

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you may of been pregnant and your body dose not realize that you may of lost the its acting like you are still near child.I would go see a O.B.G.Y.N not basically your family doctor.and ask them to please run blood work ect and be honest and notify them what your body is doing and what you can do to change it.and you might even enjoy a tubal pregnancy.where the the egg is still within your tub and it did not drop please go see a doctor who specializes surrounded by this type of case.virtuous luck

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Could it be a tumor? I would go to a hospital and own them run a battery of test. Something is very wrong.

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Go pay for to your doctor and DEMAND further tests. Sometimes symptoms such as you describe can indicate ovarian cysts,most of the time they are non-hazardous but it isn't something you can ignore!

>>>>>>>>>>>>HELP LADIEs!!<<<<<<<<<<<

this could be an endocrine should be seeing a doctor of this could be a disturbance in hose regulation in body...honest luck

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Your body could be unfolding you that something is wrong. It is not pregnant, I agree with some of the relations out here, get a second feelings. I dont want to scare you, but I know someone who had this appear to them, but it was something alot more serious than they thought. Because of it, they have to get a complete hysterectomy. Get adjectives the opinions you can until you find out what is going on near you. It is important when you are this young at heart. Good luck.

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unless pregnancy afterwards it is cyst most likely; do an X-ray picture; I’m surprised why your doc is not alarmed; in that is one more crazy explanation: false pregnancy; but never hear it happen to humans;

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i would seize a second opinion if i be u.

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maybe you have a tumor i would travel to the gynocologist

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Go to a second doctor

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