How do you treat cystitis? HELP!?

omg... help me...
err, from what i've tried to find out, i guess i have cystitis...
im 15 soon, a virgin, i go for a dip everyday so i freaked out when i thought i had it...
i do NOT want to turn to the doctor because i'll have to thieve my mum...that will be embarressing and awkward...
i want to know how to treat it without going to the doctor and not be suspected by my afraid she'll regard as i sleep around or sumthing like that...
please serve me, im really scared....
mann...i thought i have sum deadly disease or sumthing..
i dont know what do...

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Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis can be due to an infection from bacteria that ascend the urethra (the waterway from the outside) to the bladder. Symptoms include a frequent need to urinate, repeatedly accompanied by a burning sensation. As cystitis progresses, blood may be observed in the urine and the tolerant may suffer cramps after urination. In young children, attempts to avoid the throbbing of cystitis can be a cause for daytime wet (enuresis). Treatment includes avoiding irritants, such as perfumed soaps, in close proximity the urethral opening; increased fluid intake; and antibiotics. Untreated cystitis can front to scarring and the formation of stones when urine is retained for long periods of time to avoid hurting urination. Don't be ashamed to talk to your mom going on for this as it can cause problems.


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your mom wont think anything desperate about you! She will probably know how to really help you beside this. Tell her, you'll feel so much better! She will NOT assume you sleep around, cystitis is NOT an STD. Go to a doctor, plllleeeease

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Are you weeing frequently and is it bloody? First of all self-possessed down Cystitis has zilch to do with Sex or sexually transmitted diseases. Sex CAN raison d`??tre it of course but after so can lots of things. I get it adjectives the time so know how you are suffering, drink LOADS of water to flush it out and cranberry liquid is good for it too. When you own urinated just wipe your bits with a reheat flannel dont rub.There are lots of treatments at the chemist you can buy, usually powdered drinks. Keep warm and dont hold it within, if you need to dance then travel as you need to pee out adjectives the bacteria that have built up in your bladder and tubes. Leaving it newly helps it build even more. Please please dont verbs about recitation your mum, most girls suffer with this contained by there lives and havent have sex. It is caused by microbes that lives in your gut or bowel, allergic reaction, dehydration, something in your diet etc Dont use soap on your genitals for a while and If it gets worse later you should see a doctor as it can end up as a kidney infection. E communication me if you have any more question, i get it adjectives the time its horrible. Get better soon x

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ALL adult women, including your mum, are at risk of cystitis, even if they are not sexually live. I am sure your mum knows this too! It is newly the female anatomy which places the anus and the urethra so relatively close to respectively other.

Believe me if you will, but I am the least imagined GP you are ever likely to stumble upon, with high regard to recommending antibiotics. However for me this is the biggest exception. I will prescribe antibiotics to 100% of women near urine infections.

The reason for his is that a percentage of women who enjoy cystitis, which is very humiliated and annoying and sometimes painful,( but solely affects the bladder) will progress to pyelitis or pyelonephritis, which can produce kidney damage and scarring.

It is and so important that you do jump to your GP, ideally bringing with ou a urine example, so that he can confirm the diagnosis and give appropriate treatment.

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First of adjectives don't be so sillt. I first had cystitis when i be 13 (and obviously a virgin) it have nothing to do next to sex although sex does make it reoccuring if u suffer unsuccessfully from it! It is a bladder infection which is caused by holding your wee, drinking and ingestion too many sour drinks and food and bacteria! For example wearing tight jeans and thongs spreads microbes and causes cystitis! I'm 16 years dated and dont think i even own a thong any more because its so risky. I cannot shift a month without getting 2 attacks (1 if im lucky). By go swimming, if u mean within a bath after that is also desperate for you. Showers are so much better for you and do not use ordinary soaps down below, this is because it will effect it. Use feminine clear up too.
As for not telling your mum, i be like that untill i have such a bad attack i faint!! Then i had to explain to my mum, the doctors gave me antibotics and it go almost instantly! The thing is next to cystitis, is that its basically a lil bugger...this is because is reoccures, so if this is ur first attack you inevitability to get rid of it within the correct way otherwise you will come to an end up like me (which isnt good) You can also capture sachets which you dissolve contained by water from ANY cystitis relief. Its a 48 hour course which help get rid of it! Also if u honestly dont run to the doctors (which i dont recommend bcoz it can spread into your liver, which mine did on xmas day, and exact sevre pain and perchance damage) then drink ALOT of dampen and cranberry juice and wee whenever needed, even if you go 2 secs ago. Also hot water bottle is virtuous for the uncomfortableness inbetween your legs! Just be careful

I don't stingy to be rude, but?

Cystitis is best treated with antibiotics. You cannot gain antibiotics legally lacking visiting a doctor. So you requirement to see a doctor.

Do not be afraid of your mother. Cystitis (or UTI's) can come on without anything to do near sexual intercourse, although sex can certainly provoke UTI's surrounded by many women.
UTI's are adjectives, and need to be treated, because if you don't treat them, you are at risk of the bugs climbing difficult up into your kidney and causing pyelonephritis and kidney problems after that on.
It is quite credible your mum may have have a UTI in former times and should be sympathetic.
Other things you can do is to take cranberry tablets, and ural (or another urinary alkaliser) which may comfort relieve the pain. These DO NOT cure the infection however.

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