Did it hurt when you put in your first tampon?

be honest.
from 1-5, 1 you didint surface a thing, and 5 you would never use a tampon agan it hurt so much.

i be just wondering, cuz it hurts me at something like a 2-3 when i tryed it.

What is wrong with my body!?

1-2 on the spasm scale.
It be more awkward than anything else.

Eating habbits during "that time of the month"?

It was around a 2-3.

When do i know to start wearing bras?

for me 1, for my friend a 4. it depends on the personage. it hurts some people and not others. it also depends on your flow.

My friend popped her ear drum. Well she go into the doctor and the doctor told her that.?

kk so i wanted to try tampons so i snuck surrounded by my moms cabinet but my mom had huge tampons so afterwards i tryed it but it hurt and i couldnt get it contained by because i had never streched the hymen surrounded by the insides that why it was so complex but in the summer im planning on using small ones and trying tmapons for the first time .i grant it a 3 it hurt so much but in the summer it should be a 1 for me

My wrist have begun to hurt when I type for long period of time what's wrong?

It all depends upon the people health.

Is inserting a tampon when you don't call for to considered masturbation?


What Besides Stress And Pregnancy Can Cause A Woman's Period To Be Late?

it is different for everyone
some girls tense up so it hurts more because they dont know what to expect the first time

for me it be about three


thanx for asking this press it helps me a great deal i will give u a star

I capture bumps a day or two after shaving my areahow do I achieve rid of them and stop them from coming back?

it be a 2
it dont hurt
trust your self it will be ok

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