What is the ordinary weight if you are 5'4? I am 100 lbs... should I lose bulk?


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You aren't being serious, are you? NO, you do not obligation to lose weight, you entail to gain. You are underweight. Please see for yourself.

Go to either site scheduled below, click on the appropriate link (children and teens or adults), enter the required information and it will update exactly where you stand:

I used the second site since I did not enjoy your age. Your BMI is only 17.2! Anything lower than 18.5 is underweight.

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Yes, you should lose counterweight, you are way too solid.


lol, I guess people didn't pick up on my sarcasm. Obviously, you are not butter and shouldn't lose weight.

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no beside that height and freight proportion...you should be fine

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What! Are you crazy? For your loftiness you should be anywhere from 110-130 I believe. I could be a little rotten, but I would think 100 lbs would be considered underweight for your increase. I am 5'3" and I weigh 115-120 it fluctuates for some reason.

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noo sweetie u shouldnt lose weight ur simply the perfect size.!! donot lose counterweight!

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120 to130. no

Had sex a few days ago still bleeding?

You are too tinny already. Don't lose weight. You should be around 110-120.

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no, you can gain up to 20 lbs. but don't lose weight.

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your only 100 pounds thier couldn't be anything to lose

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my sister is 6'4 and her everyday weight is in the region of 55 pounds, so your fat and you should lose some solidity

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A normal weightiness for a female 5' 4" should be just about 110-120. You do not need to lose freight. if you feel similar to you do, try toning up rather than slimming down. Yoga or swimming are polite to tone and firm all areas. Have fun!

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Normal counterweight for 5'4" will depend on your build. I am 5'4" and the last time I bothered to look the field ideal mass for my height be about 110 to more or less 135. I have a totally heavy bone and muscle structure so for me at 5'4" my great weight is just about 130 lbs.
If you are only 100 lbs. and are wondering if you inevitability to lose weight you obligation to see a head doctor.

Does mass has anything to do near the height?

That shipment is very honourable for your height. It is crucial though to be active and put away properly. This will help within maintaining a glowing body and controlling your weight. However, here should be no concern about your solidity.

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No!! You are actually underweight! You can find a BMI (or body mass index) Calculator online. I calculated your BMI as shown below:

Height: 5 foot, 4 inches
Weight: 100 pounds

Your BMI is 17.2, indicating your weight is surrounded by the underweight category for adults of your height. Talk near your healthcare provider to determine possible causes of underweight and if you involve to gain weight. BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5–24.9 Normal
25.0–29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

You should verbalize to your doctor about what is going on beside you. You could have a condition to be precise not allowing you to gain weight or conceivably you work out to much. If you seriously think you want to lose weight, later I think you own a warped body logo. Maybe something is going on in your life that you necessitate help next to and seeing a psycologist may help. I want you the best :)

I know no birth control method is 100%, but am I still at a large risk?

Um...noooo you should not lose freight. You are actually give or take a few 10 or 15 lbs underweight. I'm 5'2" and I weigh at least 15 lbs (I don't know it exactly because I haven't weigh myself in a while) more than you and I'm at what according to my doctor is wonderful weight.

Why r guys so have it in mind!?

Girl..get to eatin!!. You should be atleast 114 to be good. the healthy solidity for your height is 114-123.. I'm equal size as you. you don't want to get any thinner. Your gonna starve your body. I find that I be aware of and look my best at 119. You might be a little different but you really inevitability to gain atleast 14 more to be at a safe bulk..

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no... you don't need to loose counterweight.i think your too limited .you should get some weightiness 0N...

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First, your age have absolutely nought whatsoever to do with your counterbalance.

You're slightly UNDERWEIGHT. Don't lose any more. And see your doctor about your body portrait problems before they become a leading and possibly deadly form problem for you.

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if u want weight lose used the best Medicine products more information http://www.skincarefairy.com

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For the Women.?

YOU are regular - maybe even underweight. DO NOT grip about your cargo.

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