Does weight have anything to do with the distance from the ground?

ok im a 15 year old feminine ( just turned the second month) and i want to reach 5'8 o r 5'9 , right immediately im 5'4 1/2 and 130 pounds , and my dad is 6'1 1/2 and my mom 5' i was wondering if immensity has something to do near height? ..pleasee provide me some advices to reach that stage , some diets , excercise , etc..
thank youu


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Height is genetic, you're probably be somewhere contained by the middle of both parents. You're still growing. But nothing you take/do is going to relieve you reach that stage. Be happy how you are.

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girl y do u wanna be tall everybody approaching short girls dont no man wont no tall azz girl no but if your mama's short you most possible will be 2

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you should swim.. it increases height..

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Women typically verbs to grow until 18-23 years of age. Your height is determined by your inheritance. So hopefully you take on your dad's side of the genes and you achieve his height.

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wear some pumps. Height is strictly genetic. Doctors can give growth hormone shots, but those are merely for severely underdeveloped culture, so good luck trying to flay those genes.

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I don't think you can choose how high-ceilinged you'll get.
You can parley to a doctor. Healthy nutrition won't hurt but I think a bit than wanting to be a certain elevation just work on natural proportions. I am 5' 3" and weigh 119lbs.
You sound approaching you are proportioned very resourcefully for your height.

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You might have the genes to accomplish your desired height. You necessitate a good diet and try playing basketball. It's a worthy way of increasing your altitude.
But one thing, if you hold reached puberty you might not be capable of add to your stage any more.
See your family doctor and ask him/her to write you a prescription to lug an x-ray from your wrist to see if you still have the accident to become taller (that's how they find out if you can).
There is a relation between ideal echelon and weight of a creature, but none that would affect your height. In other words, it doesn't penny-pinching that if you are under your standard bulk, then you can become taller! No such point!

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no, its the other way around, ur hight can affect ur weight
but dont try to grow, ur fine

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Unless you take steroids (growth hormone) you really can't control your elevation..Sorry...And no, weight doesn't relate to stage.

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Girl I would KILL for 5'4''...actually I would exterminate for 5'1''.

I'm 4'11''...Now thats Short.

Your a great height. Think in the region of it everything is made for girls your height. You'll never requirement to get ur pant fixed but your also not to tall to wear really slutty large heels.

BTW your about done growing, possibly like 1 or 2 more years but your probably close to done. There is nil you can do really. Eat healthy, but pretty much its adjectives genetic unless you were sick similar to me when you were a kid, that can stunt your growth.

otherwise your fail-safe.

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Height is all inheritance I'm afraid. I'm 5ft 8 and luckily my boyf is 6ft 3 so I can still wear heels. Last boyf was individual an inch taller than me which meant every time we go out I had to wear flats which I detested. Chances are you will grow a bit more but I wouldn't worry in the region of it. And if you want to get high to be model just remember that Kate Moss is lone 5ft6!

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No. due to I am 4'10'' and I weigh something like 120 and I am 19 yrs old.

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Changing your diet will do nil for your height at this point. Though if you be malnourished as a child, it could prevent you from reaching your best adult echelon.

Ask your parents or pediatrician how tall you be on your second birthday. Double that size and that will be your adult stage, plus or minus 2 inches. If you're not happy beside your height, within's not much you can do about it, though you may still grow some more. If you're not delighted with your immensity, you can diet and exercise. Most teenage girls are self conscious and refusal about the route they look. I suggest you learn to adopt and love yourself the way you are. There's nil more attractive than a confident gal who feels correct about herself.

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some associates yeah and some people are not but is the road god creat but some people become taler when he or she is sick

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I'm in the order of as tall and filling as you are, and i'm almost 15.if you wanna be taller you have to excersize alot and enjoy plenty of sleep, seriously it's true and i will help.

Just a yeast infection?

you can't do anything to build you taller without special horomone medication, but that isn't right if you are able-bodied and growing normally. you can try streching commonly and standing taller without crouching. i dont suppose weight have much to do with growing taller or your rise. it should be reasonable, of late like yours is. you still may own some time to grow, considering you are just 15. congrats on the decade contained by a half! hope you grow more inches!

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