How do you keep from getting blade bumps after you shave?


My friends always report me that I don't have boobs!!?

Well I use to enjoy the same problem until some one told me around this product. You can order it from Passion Parties. It is call Shave Gel Cream (use to be called choochy). It is not greatly expensive. I think the later one I just bought be 12 or so dollars and it was a nice size bottle. It will final you a long time considering you only use in the region of a penny size each time. It will head off your skin silky soft. And can be used any where... My husband even uses it on his obverse and he says it is so much nicer than shaving cream. Just be in motion on-line to and you can order it in that or have a group and get it for free... to be exact what I normally do. And past you ask you can not get it at Walmart and the stuff from walmart will not work matching. I tried everything and now I found this I will never stop using it.

Good Luck!

Don't you hold body odor? I bet all culture have!?

Wet your skin really very well, use a good shampoo or shaving cream, use a polite moiturizing lotion after you shave.

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Exfoliate first with a scrub (I really approaching St. Ives Apricot Scrub) to remove any dead skin that can be covering the hair.
When you shave, use a moisturizing shave cream or a really good foamy body clean.
When you're done, moisturize with a angelic body lotion (I really like Oil Of Olay Firming Body Lotion).

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Try exfoliating the skin first prior to shaving, also make sure that your cut-throat is sharp. Prior to shaving if you choose not to exfoliate, just wipe your face really good near warm hose down and a good soap. Sometimes the bumps are cause by pores that are traumatized from pulling etc. When you wash you in actual fact soften the skin and make available less kismet for bacteria to enter the amenable pores. I am thinking you should see a significant differance.

Medium Sized Bump?

Use deodorant, it works every time. As soon as you get done and gain out of the shower, pat dry and add deo. I saw it within a magazine one time and tried it. I've never had to use anything else since afterwards.

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shaving gel and lotion or receive a better razor such as the venus breeze or the shic intuition

Whats the business with my time?

lots of water
lots of soap/shaving cream

and don't shave dry or without soap!

Pains at such a young-looking age?

cold water afterwards to close the pores after bikini zone. That works for me or actual real aloe vera.

Is it average to feel depressed and down around your term?

I use bikini zone

What style?

I use coochy shave cream, it's fantastic and I never have bumps or nicks, it's a short time expensive but worth it. Also NEVER dry shave make sure your skin is in good health moisturized before you start

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