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Why is my poop so big?
okay so yeah i know the tittle may make you laugh but its not to funny to me so please give somebody a lift this question seriousally. im 13 and female *dont mind the avatar* And most times im afraid to progress number 2 as bad as that sounds because my poop is well. ratherly massive in width and hurts really desperate when i go and somtimes i even bleed. should i consult a docotor change my intake habbits? anything??? because i cant take the pain anymore! =[

Answers:    I enjoy this too and I did go to a Dr. She gave me tips on what to chomp through to have softer poops and gave me a cream that help heal the bleeding. If you think give or take a few it, poop rubbing against an open sore is not a good point so healing it up is smart. Go to the dr, it may be uncomfortable because they may have need of to look back there but it is substantial! eat more fiver and drink lots of water surrounded by the meantime..
You could take laxatives for it.. There are laxatives out there that claim that it doesn't put together you go - but it just make it easier to go. Eating a diet high surrounded by fiber will also make it easier. If it is hard for you to get through enough fiber you could get a fiber mix to put surrounded by a drink or fiber pills. Bananas are also really good for making it easier to go to the bathroom. But you should probably budge see your doctor about it.. They would definitely be capable of help you. And no I don't think it's funny.. It sounds resembling it hurts!! Hope I helped. go to the drugstore. buy an over-the-counter stool softener. NOT a laxative--a stool softener. Try to increase the amount of fiber you guzzle, and this will help too. Start reading boxes of cereal and choose those with at most minuscule 3-5 grams of fiber--eat more fruits/veggies and leave the peels on apples, etc. My daughter have this same problem at your age. Also be SURE you are drinking a lot of water--not pop--water. Hope you work things out (no pun intended). .
WEll your life is not on the row... Try this, tell your mom or dad to go buy you some prune liquid.. that should help!!
Or you can also take stool softeners.. that should put together it loose and easier to pass. Your most likely clogged up and it's adjectives packing up in you. you poop is normal loads of inhabitants have big poop try not to worry, if it really does hurt that much try to step poop more often and not leave it till it hurts so u hold to go..
yes you should see a DR but in the meanwhile try drinking apple or grape liquid , cut down on dairy products and drink as much purified water as you can but do see a DR Eating fruits daily will serve you have a smoother and not so hard bowel movement. But if you put away too much you could end up with diarrhea. .
Eat fruit, drink more hose, take some fiber. If that doesn't work, go see a doctor, especially if you are bleeding. Eat plentifully of fruit and drink a lot of fluids. It will make it runnier

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