Why the odour during period ?

what causes the awful smell during a interval ?

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i know it can be gross, the little feminine wipes you can receive now are great for when you are at work, i surmise it has something to do beside when the blood is exposed to air the smell releases, merely good hygiene will win through.

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Not washing!!

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blood...Old blood will smell nasty no event where it's from. Try using deodorant pad or tampons or FDS to help near it.

Help me plz!!?

Blood has a peculiar odor (ask any vampire! j/k!)...due to the iron content. Usually, simply animals (like dogs and sharks) can smell THAT. However, a bad smell indicates oxidization. Just wash more commonly and change pad or tampons more frequently. You should do it anyway to prevent infection, especially Toxic shock (if using tampons).

My friend bf had relase within her about three times and her length hasnt come yet but she on the pill c?

Blood that have been sitting in you for a few weeks is comming out.

K so i'm never in the mood anymore! how can i tweaking this?

Old blood in your towels/tampons.
Use a menstrual cup, just about any odour at all when you untaken it.

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