Severe cramping during the middle of the month?

for the last 3 months I hold had severe cramping during mid month.Before these 3 months this have never happened. This cramping I experience is certainly worse than my period cramps. Is this ovulation cramping or what? Its pretty painful and it final for 2-4 days non stop.

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hi there, sorry to hear something like your painful symptoms.

you don't mention your age and whether you enjoy had any children - these can net a difference to the likely cause of your pain. if you own had your period for a while (5 years +) and you have not experienced this up to that time, it is considered "not normal" for you. It could be the development of a problem close to fibroids or a cyst (which respond more significantly to the hormones around ovulation than the ones at menstruation). These are both relatively 'normal' complaints and within are many treatment option, including monitoring and painkillers.

The other possibilities include an infection - not necessarily a STD but any infection can affect your fertility so it is important to catch it checked out.

Either way, I suggest you move about to your ob gyn to get this see to. They are very used to this type of complaint and will not brush it bad. Some of the causes can be dangerous to your fertility and general form so it is important to seize them checked out.

I hope you get everything sorted and it's not too serious. Good luck!

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I get ovulation stomach-ache, at least when I'm not on the pill, and it can be reasonably sharp at times. It's called mittelschmerz, or "middle pain". If you enjoy vomitting, fever, or other symptoms, you might hold another problem and need to see a doctor.

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I achieve the cramps in the middle of the month. They come and progress for a few days. They are ovulation cramps this I know since I am trying to conceive I am tracking it all. I would embezzle some ibuprofen and if it does not improve you might want to see a doctor. There might be a cyst on your ovaries cause the pain.

Good Luck and Best Wishes.

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