My doctor said my spots/boils down nearby be ok as they come beside my cystitus but im not sure?

On one of lips I own 3 spots, but I woke up today and I have another one towads the final thats quite sore (other than that I carnt detail there there) when I sit down but my doctor have just perscribed me penisilin for my tonselitus and cystitus and said that the spots own came near the cystitus and if they dont go by the time your inkling better / finised the penacilin then come rear legs Ive had one sexually partner and I get him cheked out before I slept near him, would anyone else doubt there doctor and what can I do to cause them feel better Im going to doctrs again tommorow but own a different person??

(BTW it loks nought like genital wart Ive googled pics and looked at the symptoms and not them )

Answers:    My best friend had this and it be actually a fistula. She be diagnosed with Chrohn's disease a year after she first broke out. She kept going to the ER and the doctor. They would afford her an antibiotic and drain the boil.

Do you have problems going to the bathroom?

Another possibility is a doomed to failure yeast infection from the antibiotics. I would go see a Gynecologist for a second assessment...
You could go to the public vigour department sexual diseases clinic and get tested for everything to be nontoxic... Cystitis is like a bladder infection (internal) so I can't assume why your doctor has said that they're related. Could they be infected pelt follicles? I get those adjectives of the time. If you're in doubt consequently go to a sexual condition clinic for a second opinion x
why do you bother next to a doctor if you are not going to trust their judgement? They probably are associated with your cystitis, it is potential the same organism that cause your cystitis and the antibiotic should take keeping of both problems, it just take some time before it starts to work. Take your medication and have some trust contained by the guy that went to a minimum of eight years of medical institution to learn what he know.

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