How long does it purloin an antibiotic for a UTI to start working??
Answers: If the bacteria you're trying to kill are especially tough, it can run several days to start seeing relief. Sorry. :( It sucks.
Make sure you take ALL your antibiotics, even after the symptoms start to budge away!
You can relieve the pain by drinking lots of water so that your urine is massively diluted. You can also get an over-the-counter medication called AZO that help numb your urethra so you don't feel so much pain when you urinate. It turns your pee red-orange, though, which is grotesque!.
Well it really depends on how much bacteria infected you. AZO does help i agree beside everything the other person advised you. But another point you can do at home is to drink lots and lots and lots of cranberry juice.
I know this sounds bad but from experience you should try to hold it until you know that when you be in motion to the bathroom a lot will come out, try not to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes when you feel close to something is coming.
good luck!