White cheese like substance within my girlfriends vagina?


The last time I go down on my girlfriend I was surprised to find some cheese close to substance around her vaginal area. In selective the stuff was between her Labia Major and Labia Minor and some below her clitoral hood (right on top of clit).

The stuff be odourless and my girlfriend's vagina didn't smell doomed to failure or anything like it. It be just middle-of-the-road.

I was took shocked and I didn't want to wreak her any embarrasment so I didn't tell her. I've have a few girlfriends but this is the first time I've encountered anything close to this.

Any ideas what it could be?


The Usual suspect is Candida yeast infection.
She should run to her F.D and get it properly looked at and diagnosed.


sounds like the poor girl needed a shower.

i.e. basically the colloquial lubricant and discharge many women produce throughout the year, solidified and waiting to be washed stale.

nothing to be alarmed in the region of, but you might want to share a sexy shower with her back going back down here next time

Weight entry.?

This would be a good sign of the dawn of a yeast infection. She should see her doctor or begin consumption a lot of yogurt.

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It's a everyday thing they do. It's bit of the cleaning down there, and a moment ago something that's produced.

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Sounds like a yeast infection. Tell her. How could you not mention it to her if your her man? I'm sure she know about it. Let her know its in that, and tell her to ring her Gyno Doc. I'm sure she won't hate you for it.

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Yes it's call a vaginal yeast infection, check your tough you probably have thrush

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A yeast infection.

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It didnt smell? Did you have a stuffy muzzle? Its called a yeast infection, Have her take some meds for that

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Sounds close to she didn't clean herself or she might hold an infection.

Offer to take a shower together and get tested for STDs. What if she have warts. would you hold ignored it out of distress of embarrassing her

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Yeast infection. ('beasty yeasty!') Better dance get her some Monistat.(over the counter) If you sense something on your tongue or inside your cheeks you have it too. You'll probably call for a prescription for Nystatin swish and swallow.

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she requirements a shower but atleast u could ave a nice creamy cheese sandwitch

Ladys please..?

vaginas and labias sweat and excrete substances and by the end of a long year you end up near white stuff in the folds of the skin. ome girls grasp more than others.
if it didnt smell a lot and the skin wasnt red and irritated it was purely a build up of this stuff. showers are advisable before oral, whether you are giving or delivery.
shower togther...its fun!

Pounds to lose?

probably normal...unless at hand was similar to heaps of it. i get that stuff similar to everyday...dont worry give or take a few it.

How long does in filch for a woman to get her s-ex drive posterior after giving birth?

Probably just the conventional discharge needing to be wash off, but subsequent time-don't go down while it's within, just embezzle a shower with her. If it is a yeast infection it would most probable have have odor, or been itching her, so the surrounding nouns would look irritated or red. Sometimes women discharge more before their term, or if they are pregnant-maybe you just caught her at a time when she didn't shower inwardly the past few hours. Most girls, if they know they may be getting oral-will shower right past they are around the guy, and if not will wipe it beside a cloth, etc (in private) before the exploit. you just don't see them do it. You probably caught her bad guard, that's why you've encountered it for the first time.

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it's probably thrush. enjoy her go to the docotor. it could simply be a reaction to any meds she is taking or is could be an infection.

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