Okay this is gross but.?

Every summer my armpits breakout! It hurts and itches SO bad! Do you devise its my deoderant or the heat WHAT CULD IT BE?!?!?! It is seriously making me miserable!

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Most likely it is an allergy to the deodorant - try one short Aluminum - there are pure options resembling Tom's that work really well. Also other wash contained by the morning prior to application and any time you reapply as well as past sleeping to remove any residue. To treat a break out go short deodorant and opt for witch hazel and a scented body powder approaching shower to shower. The other culprit is the razor - use a twin blade singular and always shave beside the growth of your hair. Good Luck!

Missed 2 period, not pregnant, with a cyst?

Might be a roast rash. Try a different deoderant that absorb sweat.

Breast Reductionscared as all getout!! Help? Share? Please?

Must be the roast. Try to get somewhat bit more air by watching what you wear.

Birth control?

Its your deoderant you obligation to switch brands.

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You should go to a dermatologist. They will be capable of decide what the problem is and the best course of behaviour to fix.

I hope you start to feel better soon!

I hold a very refusal self image problem. Please assistance!?

if you think this might be your deoderant -- try switching

that would be the best course to tell

Hey, so is it ok to smoke pot while on birth control!?

Probably a warmth rash, try putting some lotion on previously you go out

I am going to the gyno for the first time, what can I expect?

wear lose cotton clothes and a deodorant beside no alcohol

After having your tubes tied why do you still take your period?

heat unthinking...you can try changing your deoderant and when you arent running around sweating hold then unambiguous and dry.
Be careful shaving them as in good health.
Baby powder can help too.

A woman must squat or sit to urinate..Y?

it might be you perspire more in the summer and the deoderant is react so try something for more sensitive skin .

I don't know what to do, my husband says my vagina have a funny odor?

You are probably shaving more often. At hours of darkness put some lotion or cream on your arm pits to soften the skin. Make sure you use shaving cream when shaving and do not use Nair or a depilatory on them.

Well this basically started?

it may be try swiching and see how it feels consequently

Plan B failed for anyone here?

It might be a strange reaction to your deodorant when you do sweat. My friend have that, when she would sweat it would react next to the deodorant and she would get desperate breakouts. Try sensitive skin by Dove.

Birth control pill question?

It could be your deodorant, do you use it surrounded by the winter?
It may be the heat, a boil rash
It may be the fact that you shave more surrounded by the summer
Try using an antiperspirant deodorant...that may help.
Try using some bikini zone too, that might attain rid of the bumps.
If nothing else works try hydorcortizone cream=)

Why do belly buttons smell?

sounds similar to heat unwary and fungus to me.
Go see a doctor !
Change deodourant to an anti prespirant.
I find the Dove brand acceptable, its mild and it smells nice ;)

No ejaculation..?

I achieve that once in a while..freshly something that happens merely put lotion on before you put deodorant on see what that does..keep on itching call your doctor.

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Sounds to me like a sensitivity to your deodorant, combined next to a reaction to your own sweat. Yes, you can be allergic to yourself....I know it's odd, but it's true!!

Consult a physician, sweetie. They can give you a medicated cream that will relieve the itching and breakout so you can be comfortable.

And it isn't gross....I capture a rash when I sweat underneath both my breasts. It burns and itches..and only a prescription will stop it.

Birth Control?

If it's do to sweating more in the summer. Try the strange Secret deodorant that came out. It suppose to be especially made for folks who sweat excessively.

What is the average age of starting your period ?

I would solely wear deodorant when you really have to, the rest of the time newly dust them with Gold Bond powder or cornstarch infant powder to help hold them dry. When you shave your underarms be sure to use something very moisturizing and use a well-mannered razor.

Any women here have a tubal ligation?

you may want to go to a dermatologist and enjoy it looked at I started doing the same things a few years ago and it get worse and started being adjectives year round I'm not sure if what you are describing is the same piece but what i have is a condition call hydrenitus supperative its not anything that can impair you or can be contagious its just a big bummer to hold to deal beside they say to wear as little deoderant as possible and to restrain yourself from wearing tight clothing around the armpits my suggestion is to go to your dermatologist to see why your underarms is breaking out close to that

Do i weigh about average?

maybe ingrown hair.

Am i proportionate? I am 6'2" and 150lbs?

either heat unthinking or rash from your deoderant,
Try using Dove deoderant, It works great for me :)
Good Luck

My time isnt coming?

it may be ur deodorant check the ingredients and call ur dermatologist

I have a hysterectomy June 19. Everything went ok. The doctors influence not to lift any piece heavy?

it is roast rash. you'll want to hold the area dry and start on. do not put lotion on the area. Use a powder deoderant and wear loose fitting clothes or reservoir tops.

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