A woman must squat or sit to urinate.....Y?
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Because otherwise, because of the agency the body is shaped, the urine would run down a woman's legs and it would be a mess.
Women are not built with an appendage that projects the urine stream, so they are required to sit to urinate.
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Because we don't resembling urinating down our legs basically. It's not that we HAVE to sit or squat and we be all skilled to sit to urinate.Its taking my period forever to start!?!?
whether you sit or squat, a verbs vagina and urethra will prevent a number of ailments related to genitals. Clean next to flush of water.Take time for simple things.
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i've actually become exceedingly good at peeing while standing up. it take some practice and a lot of technique, but i'm a girl who loves to pee while standing. if you want any tips on how to do it, grain free to contact me!we own different shape of our "area" and we have to sit
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God made us that way even womanly dogs sit and pee.thank god we dont have an obnoxous penis....!!!16 days unpaid for period, see discharge. Pregnant?
She doesn't have to but we are smaller quantity likely to wear it if we sitA blood experiment indicated that my TSH level is 4.62 what does this denote?
There is a saying that don't jump against nature. I hold seen other answers. You inevitability lot of practise to do it standing like men. My God !within are other things to do as well.My answer is simple. Do it surrounded by a position where you are comfortable. This is a code of conduct skilled by your mother so just follow it. There are confident things you cannot change. so live next to it.