Why do belly buttons smell?


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They don't and shouldn't smell at all if they are kept clean and dry. Problems come to pass if debris is vanished to accumulate. It is more of a problem contained by the obese, when the umbilicus becomes a thoughtful dark hole, difficult to see, conquer and clean. There is also sometimes an extra problem within diabetics, who because of raised sugar level are more prone to infection. Bacteria begin to live contained by the debris within the deep gloom hole and there spend foolishly products cause the smell.

Can u please comfort when im stell wating?

no idea! adjectives i know is that mine does!

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ive other wondered that. and why is the fluff always blue?

thats a full new nouns of questioning

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You gotta keep it verbs. Every shower. Swab it out. Finger, washcloth, whatever. Otherwise, PU

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have you tried washing it?


becuse the sweet on you chast and stumic runes down within to it

Question for girls only?

because it catch all the lint and sweat and stinky stuff that seep from your body.

AHHH I have a UTI, how do I receive rid of it!?!?

does yours really smell? lack of cleaness

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because u dont verbs in it im not saw u every 1

What can i ask?

Maybe because you need to verbs it... Seriously, people tend to failure it.

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If you clean them next to a Q-tip dipped in alcohol consequently they don't smell. All you have to do is purify.

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Because it is a small space and lint from your clothes gets stuck within there, and even when you shower, the soap and river gets stuck to the lint and it starts to ferment. Kind of approaching leaving your sweaty gym socks contained by your gym bag. I put alcohol on a cotton swab and verbs mine out every couple of days.

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because u have to dry it when u shower EVERYDAY, and hold it clean by SHOWERING everyday

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All these people beside smart answers about "I don`t know you shoudl clean it" requirement to shut up. Okay, almost everyone I know has a smelly belly button, including me. It is NOT a hygiene problem, although unsurprisingly someone who doesn' shower or lean their belly button will also have a stinky one. But, because it is such a small crevice, it collects lint and sweat slickly. They kind of only stick in within and start to stink. Just try to cleanse it with soap and river at every bath or shower, and using a Q-Tip next to rubbing alcohol should also do the trick. I like to put some newborn powder in mine from time to time, because it keep it drier, and smells better.

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They smell because of germs and fungal infections. With it being such an roofed area if it isn't cleaned & dried properly you will go and get stuff growing basically! Dead skin and soaking conditions mean a big time smell!!

Pre-prom oblige?

First of all, at hand are belly-buttons and belly-buttons. Some are very weighty, some are quite shallow. Everyones belly-button is slightly different. BUT because a deposit of microbes collects/ grows in it, as it is a massively small warm place. A yeast infection would be the result, IF we would not clean the deposit away. CANISTON Cream is very decisive should it occur. Some relatives have impossible to tell apart problem under their breasts, surrounded by the groin and occasionally under any fatty flaps of skin.( I am largely talking more or less disabled people, who are not incredibly mobile). Hope this helps.

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