Tampon question.?

okay, well, i enjoy to wear a tampon for like five days, but i do enjoy a few questions, 'produce i have never worn one back so if you can answer these questions, i would be so happy

1) can you jump swimming if you are wearing one
2) is the tampax pearl plastic (however you spell it) a good competence (thats the one i got)
3) is there a process to reduce tss or doesn`t matter what it said on the box

There is no way i can receive out of going swimming this week, so quess what time of month it is.. so i thought if i was to wear a tampon only for that time, it would be alright.. less than five hours for 5 days..


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1. you can but you can have leak in the pool

2. havent ried those hear they are though

3.well its a really low risk of getting it but get low absorbancy and be a pad when your a sleep

dont verbs im just starting to wear them too! im immature

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yea you can swim and where a tampon Tampax pearl is apt I use that one and to prevent TSS just clear sure you change it every 6-8 hours

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Youll be cool. You can definitly wear tampons in the water, pearl is a appropriate kind and a method to reduce tss is to fashion sure you wear the right tampon for the right flow. If its heavy, wear a tampon made for cloying flow, if it medium, wear one for atmosphere flow, if its light, DO NOT wear a tampon at adjectives. Use a panty liner because your period is almost over. Hope I help. Good Luck!

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1) Yes you can move about swimming
2) yes it is the best i have tried
3) loose change them every 4 hours or 3 hours depending on flow.

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yes, you can wear a tampon while you swim. That's why I started using them. Besides, tampons are also way better consequently pads within my opinion. Less of the gross factor of notion nasty adjectives day.

I use both pearl, and the modern sporty ones. Both are a good choice and both are plastic. You don't use thme recurrently i assume os make sure to acquire regular or slim.

If i might ask a question myself cuz im have a problem. Ijust "started" my period today...are yours surrounded by the very exceptionally beginning usually starting out as a reading light pink?

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it is fine to go swimming near them on and the type you got is fine. goodluck to you.

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Hey girl,
My first time using a tampon I be twenty one years old ha ha can you believe it. Yes you can dance swimming with a tampon on, but I recommend not wearing white, because tampons are not one hundred percent efficient, I don't care what brand. Your choice for Tampax pearls are cool, also use a pantie liner on your panties a moment ago in bag of leakage. I also recommend using wipe after every tampon change that opening you feel fresh adjectives day. Masengil feminine wipe and wash is nice to use. Toxic shock okay it never happen to me so you don't own to worry in the region of it ever happening to you. If you find it rugged to pull out your tampon, in recent times relax take a thoughtful breath open up those legs and prod for the string. Peace Brownies

Do vaginas come in sizes?

1) Yes, I used to in High School and I never had a problem. I recommend Playtex Sport

2) I get really uncomfortable wearing it so I switched to playtex easy-going glide since its unbelievably comfortable and has a round tip so you forget your wearing it.

3) you should alternate between wearing a regular wad and a tampon, like overnight pad when you sleep and tampons during the day.

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