Very Painful Curse?

Ok, my periods are extremely chunky and they are so painful that the strain is also in my legs down to my knees and upto my chest. I throw up when I enjoy periods and I feint alot.
I've be to my doctor and he gave me the pill. I took it but I have three periods within six weeks and it didn't work. I also can't go rear on the pill as it is against my beliefs.
Any suggestions for easing the pain/vomiting/feinting?
My doctor does not understand a article I say, it's making my duration a nightmare.

Boob Job Question?

I completely understand.I suffer from exactlt like.I often go and get very sick and hold crippling stomach pains-you are not alone!

Right,as far as the sickness is some travel sickness bands.It works by accupuncture and really does assist ease that pukey intuition.Remeber that ginger is excellant for sickness.On the mornings of my period i enjoy plain buttered toast and 3 or 4 ginger biscuits and it gets rid of the sickness.Ginger tea is amazing aswell.You enjoy to try it-you will see what i mean!!
Camomile tea is also fab for sickness.It is available everywhere but it have a soothing effect and makes you tired.Perhaps this is better to pinch in the evening?!

For your stomach, try drinking peppermint tea.That is well-mannered for upset tummys and for soothing the guts.I drink one cup in the morning and one in the evening.I swear by the stuff!

It is worth taking a trip down to Holland and Barrett too.They will help to suggest some other rememdies.

Good luck! x

Side affects of birth control pills?

On this happening, you clearly need empathy and the correct diagnostic assistance ... I suggest you go and hassle your GP again and insist on further support, either contained by an alternative treatment or a referral. You simply cannot go on resembling that and you must insist on help.

Normal interval but still feeling symptoms?

i have the same piece. i used to take feminax, which help but didnt stop it. i tried the pill but that didnt do anything for me. so then i have the implant within my arm and that stopped my periods and adjectives the pain and symptoms i be getting all together! amazing! dunno if thats against ur beliefs but but for id enunciate give it a turn!

Bloated stomach?

Just before it feel due- get as much exercise as you can. Exercise help to ease the extreme throbbing. Take a nurophen(if you have no allergy) to them and drink plenty of dampen. Have a hot water bottle to appendage when at home to place on tummy as warmth can security the pain. Eat, small, plain meals- avoid spicy foods.

Period? Women Only Please.?

You call for to find a different dr to take this situation seriously, preferably not someone to be precise in one and the same office of the dr you currently see.

As for individual on the pill, I don't know what your beliefs are but could you talk to someone to explain to them that you would be using it for medical reason? I know some religious beliefs allow for the use of the pill in this path. Just curious.

Also, bleeding is common when starting out on the pill because the body requests time to adjust to being on the medication. Just considered necessary to pass that on surrounded by case you ever come across that that have wondered about the bleeding that can go down with the pill. But in attendance are other options out within to treat the situation.

Based on your symptoms it sounds like you might own endometriosis. To learn more around endometriosis please check out:

Can Crunk dancing or extreme dance effect a girls period?

there's an herb that might assist for this situation. I believe it's called club moss.

also look up info around Yarrow.

OK we have have one question on thrush contained by women but what about thrust on the tongue?

Y ea, i be just approaching you, except for the fainting segment. The Pill helped beside the pain but aftr 6 months it stopped working. U may enjoy endometriosis. I found this And after two months of taking it my hormones were suspended and i had only just any pain for the first time inn my life span. Exercise also helps.

Im 14, ive be 4'11" for 2 years(details)?

you need to see another doctor, the situation ought not to be so, and dictum that taking pills is against your belive i dont understand.

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