After you have sex for the first time is it common to not have your extent?
Switching birth control Pills?
I don't think have sex can effect your period. Could you only be overly anxious to have your spell because you had sex for the first time and you are worried that you are pregnant? He used a condom and you are on birth control? Seems similar to you had your basis covered.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
get a test!Not unless your pregnant.
Help.. please? solidity related.?
how do you not know that you're not pregnant?!come on! ur pregnant! is it a boy or a girl?
only if your pregnant sweetie
Hymen causes external change once broken?
Yea i guess it could. But it shouldnt effect it very much. If you dont procure your period contained by the next 4-6 days i would def whip a preg test. Even though u used a condom, they are not 100% effectual. goodluck!!What is wrong w/ me? Health Issues?
you could still be pregnant..the only fool proof track not to be pregnant is abstinence. BC is one and only 98% and condoms 97%. Could be stress related thoughno not simply if youre pregnant. these people are trying to terrify you. hormones can do many things. if you are worried, go and get a pregnancy test and try it, or loaf and see if your period comes soon. stress used to bottleneck my periods adjectives the time.
When I started having a full time sexual relationship it changed my cycle by a couple of days and I be on the pill.but you had better draw from a test because it doesn't nouns promising... Good Luck with that
mayb stress or ur preg