Switching Birth Control Pills? Questions...?

I was simply wondering if anyone that is taking or have taken Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo has have any negative side effects. I am on Ortho Tri Cyclen in a minute but my boyfriend is able to go and get Lo for free so I was going to switch over to that. I resembling the fact that OTC help out with any breakouts you might return with and I want to know if LO does that as well? and are you also smaller quantity moody when you are on it? On OTC I have be incredibly moody and I go to pieces over the dumbest things. My boyfriend (and friends and family) infer it would be much better if I switched so they wouldnt have to put up next to my crap anymore. But I just want to know if lo will enjoy any bad (and moral too) side effects like more breakouts or something? I of late dont want it to cause break outs or anything... thanks

Who have lost their virginity/?

i am on lo.. ummm side effect that I have are it make it harder for em to get drizzly at times... even if im turned on.. it is helpign with my acne... and im moody but i can control it and it doesnt jump to far...

Cervical cancer vaccine?

if your naughty move about to your room if you want to be naughty budge to mine

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