My boobs hurt so fruitless.?

My boobs have be hurting for quite some time in a minute. I'm not pregnant, i'm due for my period subsequent week and I just have it on the 14th of this month. They also have be itching. Not as much as before though. They enjoy grown a bit, which I am extremely happy more or less. They don't hurt everyday. They stopped hurting for a couple of days but since sunday they have be hurting again. What could be going on? Are they just getting bigger or is it because my spell is coming around again?

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Hey, I have this problem adjectives the time too. I went to the doctors in the order of 6 months ago and he told me that it was my age and that they be growing. However when I went backbone again a few weeks ago for the same problem he told me that it is freshly part of PMS indicating that i would be comming on soon. Hope this is a bit of assist.

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sounds like you could be pg and its lately not showing up yet

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u mean later month? and its just ur interval coming on if u are 100% sure u arent prego!

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go see a doctor. stop scratch and maybe it won't hurt

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its either your pregnant or ur time is coming.

Help? In shape out of shape!?

The soreness if probably related to your cycle, and the itchiness may be sensitivity to a untried body wash or laundry soap, or a involve for lotion. Your body may also be fighting past its sell-by date a cold or illness, and it make your breasts more sensitive (mine get that method, not sure if it's common). Drink lots of water, rob some aspirin, and if you're really worried about it, contact your doctor.

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You could have fibrocystic breast. The cysts will compress with fluid and swell, cause pain. This happen before your time...cut it can happen anytime. Some folks swear that definite foods aggravate it, ie: caffeine. Are you checking for lumps? You didn't state your age, but I gather you are young-looking. Never to young to start breast exams and take screened.

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Depending on your age..I would vote they are growing. When I was a teen my boobs itched approaching crazy. In fact, they be sore and itchy about a month ago and second week i found out I wear a larger cup size. The soreness is hormonal...indicative of your period, growing or pregnancy. They typically hurt the week beforehand you start bleeding and stop as soon as menstration begins. Don't verbs. Just make sure you dont surface any hard lumps. If you do, budge to the Dr.!!

Period Help?

No big deal, don't step to the doc. My boobs itch all the time but that is to say usually in the winter when my skin is dry. My boobs also hurt almost every month back my period. I never really thought of it possibly being because they are growing, you could be right on that also.

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It could be a great deal of things.PMS , Pregnant or Birth Control .. Im on the pill and and throughout the month the same point happens to me.

Does anyone know a virtuous way to trim down menstrual cramps without taking meds?

Your pre-period body is going through copious horomonal changes which effect the breasts, making them have a feeling very tender and puffy. These horomones are also responsible for the bloating and cramps that materialize before your extent and during your period. Although it's completely uncomfortable, it's particularly natural. Some things you can try to serve with the throbbing: warm baths (with heat up washcloths placed on the breasts), tylenol for the pain, and wearing a sports bra at dark which will give you extra support and prevent gravity from pulling them down and reducing friction from your pjs.

Hope this help. Good luck!

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if your drinking a lot of caffeine that could be one problem. mine hurt whenever i drink to much of it

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All those fun hormones in your body during your regular cycle or during early pregnancy can form your breasts go nuts. Since you have your period on Apr 14, unless you be 100%abstinant since then, I wouldn't rule out pregnancy untill you embezzle a test. Sore/swollen breasts are one of the first signs.
If you're not pregnant, I would see your doctor. There may be some hormone fluxuations going on that he/she may be capable of tell you give or take a few.

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