Can you provide me advice for my spell....plz?

I just really inevitability some advice cuz it buggs me alot and i purely now get my second one please give me direction!! also do any of you know what happend to emmaweee?

Lately i've been have this weird strain?

If your periods are humiliated take a midol or a tylenol. Another entity if you have murderer cramps you can go on the pill..that's if they're really doomed to failure.
You can have a hot tub or use a hot water bottle...or put rice (uncooked) into a gummy sock, heat it up contained by the microwave for 40 seconds and it make a good heat pad and merely put it on your lower abdomen. Walking sometimes help cramps and flow.
Keep extra pads/tampons in your backpack or purse in recent times in bag and be sure to change them repeatedly!

Why do men only discuss their parts as relating to size and women as relating to period?

ok first be aware your going to have slayer cramps and alot of that always sit up when you enjoy them it helps and i own no idea what start to ur lil friend emmaweee

Birth control side effects?

1st off YOU are emaweee!! Remember me? im emailed me a few kept axiom you win at the end of the emails. I also talk to you on yim....but anyways, my account be suspended too! I was almost a height 4! i was so pissed! anyways donate me.

oh and period proposal: use advil it works waaaay better than tylenol

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