Is a miscarriage an abortion?

Went to my OB/GYN other day (a fresh one, change of insurance). While doing a history, he asked how frequent pregnancies I've had and if any be complicated?

I told him, I had 1 miscarriage within the 3rd month, and he wrote down, "abortion". I tried to correct him, but he said in medical jargon it means alike.

Shouldn't it say miscarriage? Wouldn't that alert the doctor that something may be wrong?


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I think it is like peas in a pod in medical lingo but can see how it affects you on a moral level. Seems approaching there should be another box for miscarriage...sorry for your loss

EWWWWWy Gross?

Abortion mechanism the death of the embryo/fetus-- 'tis what a miscarriage is.

I've never have an orgasim!!?

Abortion is the loss of an embryo or fetus. When you have a miscarriage, the medical occupancy is "spontaneous abortion."

I need back?

No its a technical residence only. A miscarriage is a crude abortion

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Symantically, yes. Any termination of a pregnacy is an abortion.

Technically, they are *not* duplicate, as an abortion involves a medical procedure, and a miscarriage is a "natural" thing.

As for the word to use, yes, he *should* put-down mis-carriage, as it *does* indicate you could enjoy future problems surrounded by that area.

Talk to him again, and *insist* he exchange it. If he refuses, chitchat to your carrier roughly speaking going to another physican, and if you have to, directory a complaint.

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i thought a miscarriage be when it dies unexpectedly.and an abortion is when u purposely remove it :( (completely against that slaughter a tiny baby)

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i regard it should say miscarriage, because a miscarriage is totally different from an abortion, an abortion kill the baby intentionally, a miscarriage the newborn dies accidentally or doesn't make it some how...totally different...

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no it is not the same item!

Wondering ifff?

i think that you are probably right. conceivably you should follow up on this - i.e. check with insurance companies, and other doctors and see what they muse.

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I would be upset over that! I would make him switch my chart to correctly read "miscarriage". I think an abortion is intentional and a miscarriage is not.

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A miscarriage is a "spontaneous abortion" within medical lingo. Cold, I know.

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Unfortunately, the medical terminology for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion. I have a miscarriage as well, and when I saw the bills that come in the communication afterwards, I was appalled to see the possession abortion.

A miscarriage is not the same as an abortion by adjectives means. A miscarriage is the raw loss of a baby, while an abortion is the forced loss of a toddler.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

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"Abortion" is the direct intervention to intentionally end a pregnancy.

"Miscarriage" is the loss of a child, but not brought on by planned intervention.

People are insensitive and cold hearted.

JESUS bless you,


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