Can i get my tubes tied through a laproscopy procedure or vaginally? or how can i get hold of this done fast & hurried?

I want to know the easiest way could I procure my tubes tie to go support to work in 1 week. i own a sit down job. could i acquire it done the same time i own a D& C procedure?

Is it ok 2 have sex during your "time of the month"?

I have laproscopy as in at 6:30 am and out at 11 am, I be out a week, but I lift 200 lb relations in a nursing home. The gas they bequeath you up inside your belly to extend your organs to see better is the worst pain contained by all the world, it took 3 days to touch better...I had to return with morphine. I don't think they will do the D and C and morphine for a tubal, I dunno if you wanna jump that far...yes, you'll be back contained by a week. the rest ??

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