I scotched cassette my nipples for more than 24hrs, now they are itchy and discharging clear gooey. what do i do?
Can you test your own HCG level?
Wash it with soap and hose and put lotion on them.
Don't tape your nipples that method!
Use band aids or LilyPadz instead.
I want to utter to tell my mannish friend a secret?
I scotch cartridge my nipples all the time too...not.
I would basically give them some time to dry out and breathe. Make sure you clear up them with antibacterial soap and apply hydrogen peroxide. This should abet kill what ever is infecting your nippy nippy nipples. Good luck!
Do I even want to know why you scotch tape your nipples? Didn't want to wear a bra? You may have an alergy, or it could be something else. Pregnancy? Or STD? Would be my best answers. See your DOC trust me He have heard worse I am sure, and besides, you could sue him if he offend you! Right? Did you hear about the man that go in and have 2 beer bottles shoved up his a*s? Well be glad you wern't him! LOL!
Yaz Birth Control and missed period?
You may be allergic to the glue on the tape. Wash all right with soap and hose down to remove any traces of it, and use benadryl ointment.If they don't obtain better, see a doctor.
Next time use bandaids instead :-)
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